Welcome from the Co-Headteachers

Helping students cope with a challenging time in school
Throughout this week, we have been raising awareness about being fully prepared for both important internal and external examinations. One part of this preparation is about your son/ward being able to actively revise. We recommend that parents/carers access this table of “top tips” for revision. In addition, parents/carers must be acutely aware of their role in increasing the resourcefulness and resilience of their son/ward so that he is better prepared for these end-of-year benchmark assessments. You can further support your son/ward by:
- Asking him about how he has performed to school each day. Focus on the positive – for example, what went well in your assessment today? Why was that? How has your revision been going? Are you able to show me what you’ve completed? Expect to see examples of work from the transform (stage 4) section of the revision tips.
- Resisting the temptation to do everything for him – he needs to learn to manage his time efficiently and schedule active revision time at home balanced against recreation time. Signpost opportunities: coach, coax, and cajole.
- Encouraging him to get organised the evening before. This saves everyone a lot of morning stress. He should check his timetable for the following day, pack his school bag (with water bottle) and lay out his uniform.
- Making sure that students are be revising for a minimum of two hours every night. This means, for example, asking your son/ward to revise in a public place in the first instance, not in their bedroom. Check that your son/ward is keeping up with their revision; ask to see evidence until he “earns your trust.”
- Having a calendar on display at home with the examination schedule clearly marked. Tick-off each assessment when they are finished.
- Checking his punctuality if travelling to school on public transport. Does he need to catch an earlier bus or train? Remember, the school canteen and library open at 8.00am.
- Using every opportunity to keep in contact with us, using the Pastoral Support Managers if there are any issues.
As a final reminder to parents/carers, our school policy is that mobile phones are not seen, used or heard while on school site. This includes in the examination room; this means that mobile phones brought into school must be switched off and stored securely (usually in school bags) during the school day.
We hope that you enjoy this weekly newsletter, and find it useful. If you have any comments, positive or negative, about this newsletter, we’d be grateful if you could complete this form.
Simon Fisher and Jo Higginbottom
A reminder about internal examinations plus ways to deal with managing stress
In case you missed it before half-term, students in Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 will take internal examinations between Tuesday 18 June and Friday 5 July. Full details were emailed to families before half-term – they are all available in one place on the ‘Examinations‘ page. Please make sure that students are prepared for these important assessments, which will provide a great sense of student progress this year.
For students in Years 11 and 13, the public examinations are in full swing. Below are some resources we have previously shared – containing important strategies for managing this stressful time. These will work for all students.
- NHS – Help your child beat exam stress
- Anna Freud – How to identify the signs of academic stress, and ways to help
- Student Minds – resources, tips and blogs about exam stress
- Ofqual – Coping with exam pressure, a guide for students

Fashion, Personal Hygiene and Examination Protocols
Information about a growing trend
We have identified a growing trend among a minority of students to wear shorts and/or tracksuit bottoms underneath their school trousers. As well as being profoundly unhygienic, this teenage fashion trend poses a significant problem during the examination season. For example, it allows students to hide resources within the pockets of undergarments which, of course, is wholly unacceptable.
Given this, be aware that students are all electronically scanned/”wanded” with a metal detector when accessing the examination room, as per school examination policy. Anyone found to wear tracksuits and/or shorts will be asked to remove such clothing.
Community Health Event
Promoting the importance of being physically active
The significance of mental health cannot be overstated – it influences student attendance, behaviour, academic performance, social integration and, overall, quality of life. With this in mind, we wish to draw your attention to a community event in Hounslow which is promoting the importance of being physically active both as individuals and as a family. We would highly recommend this event: Health in the Park – Healthy Hounslow.

General Election 2024

Developing political literacy in our student community
The law prohibits the promotion of partisan political views in teaching. This means the promotion of political views in teaching has to be balanced. Impartiality is important. Given this, teachers have been asked to design activities to promote political awareness and political literacy through:
- Lessons – organic, natural opportunities for topical classroom discussion
- Assemblies – Year and House
- PSHE curriculum – the use of the online, current affairs newsletter called The Day
- Mock elections – Sixth Form students will be modelling the election process, with all students having the opportunity to vote for a student representative.
MCC Cricket Fixture

A unique opportunity against one of the most prestigious cricket clubs in the country
Finally, we are looking forward to the annual cricket fixture between the School 1st XI and the MCC. It takes place next Wednesday (12 June) at the Old Isleworthians ground on Wood Lane (near the railway crossing). The game starts at 11.30am. This is a very prestigious fixture as very few state schools gain access to such high-quality games. It is an indication of our past and current cricketing traditions; please do come along and support the boys if you can.
Coming Soon!
Some more dates for your calendar
- Tuesday 18 June – Friday 5 July – Internal Examinations (Years 7-10 and 12)
- Wednesday 26 and Thursday 27 June – Year 9 immunisations (for those who given consent)
- Friday 28 June – Track & Field Championships
- Tuesday 2 July – Transition Day (Year 6 students) and Transition Evening (Year 6 parents/carers)
- Thursday 4 July – Summer Arts Festival
- Monday 8 – Friday 19 July – Year 10 Work Experience
- Monday 8 – Friday 12 July – Wider Learning Week (Years 7-9 and 12)
- Wednesday 17 July – KS3 Awards Assembly
- Friday 19 July – End of Summer Term (students dismissed at 12.30pm)
- Thursday 15 August – Level 3 Results Day
- Thursday 22 August – Level 2 Results Day
The full calendar is available at this link.

School Equipment

A key reminder about how to be ready for learning
It is vitally important that all students possess a scientific calculator. This calculator should be carried within an appropriately sized school bag on a daily basis because, in the lead-in to end-of-year examinations, the calculator will be needed for a range of subject examinations which develop numeracy, not just mathematics. Calculators can be purchased via SCOPAY or directly from the school shop.
Isleworth Station Consultation

A chance to have your say on some proposed developments
Hounslow Council is currently running a consultation to seek views about improvements at Isleworth Station. This follows a funding award from South Western Railway to explore how the forecourt area can be transformed with safety, accessibility and placemaking in mind, building on the recent installation of new lifts providing step-free access to platform level.
The Let’s Talk Hounslow Page is now live and will remain open for responses until the end of June (Sunday 30th). On there, you will find an overview of the project, a 2D plan and some computer generated images to help visualise what changes could be implemented.
After reviewing these materials, there is a short survey which you can use to share your views on the proposals. After the closing date, feedback will be analysed and considered in subsequent designs for the station.

Dismantling stereotypes and prejudices during Pride Month
Celebrated each June, Pride Month honours the LGBTQ+ community’s history and achievements, and its recognition in schools is vital. At I&S, we will be marking the month in assemblies including information about the history and contributions of the LGBTQ+ community, fostering empathy and understanding. This education helps dismantle stereotypes and prejudices, creating a more accepting school culture.
Importantly, we intend that this will promote a sense of belonging for LGBTQ+ students. Some young people face discrimination and bullying based on their sexual orientation or gender identity, leading to feelings of isolation. Celebrating Pride Month shows a school’s commitment to inclusivity, affirming that LGBTQ+ students are valued and supported. Non-LGBTQ+ students learn how to support their peers effectively, building a united community that stands against discrimination and promotes equality.
In conclusion, Pride Month 2024 is significant in schools including I&S as it enhances inclusivity and a respectful ethos. By embracing Pride Month, schools affirm their commitment to creating safe and supportive environments for all students, helping to shape a future society where everyone is treated with respect and dignity.
it is important that parents/carers are vigilant over the weekend. If you have a concern about the safety or welfare of your child, please email the safeguarding team at safeguarding@isleworthsyon.org. A member of staff will be monitoring the account. If there is an emergency call 999 or, for non-urgent matters that require police attention, call 101.
House Point Champions
Celebrating student success
Another 26 students have won either Diamond or Prestige house points awards this week – the top two honours available. House points are awarded for positive contributions to school life.
View the namesPrestige (300 points)
Archie BARKER (7Tr)
Younes EGHNIOUEN (7Br)
Watson GOMES (7Sh)
Saifullah LAKHANPAR (7Am)
Ayaan ROUF (8Bl)
Fahad UPPAL (9Sn)
Diamond (200 points)
Sufyan AHMED (7Ad)
Faris ALI (8Sn)
Uzair ANSAREY (11Am)
Mustafa AWAN (8Ad)
Laurentiu BANU (9Br)
Alfie BARKER (10Tr)
Aiden COLACO (10Ad)
Haroun ILAHUNOFF (7Br)
Zayn KHAN (8Br)
Saksham ORFORCAR (10Am)
Rylan PEREIRA (9Tu)
Yasser SALLOUM (7Tr)
Jaskaran SINGH (9Sn)
Jonas TAVARES (7Tu)
Rayhaan VOHRA (8Tr)
Darius VULPE (7Tr)
Note: this list is accurate as of 7.00am today (Friday). If your child reached a threshold after 7.00am on Friday, they will appear in the next list.

Borough winners and an emotional goodbye
Active in Mind Programme
The Active in Mind programme for selected students in Years 7 and 9 finished last week. This innovative programme, in partnership with the Youth Sports Trust, saw Year 9 students mentoring Year 7 students. They had weekly check-ins, discussing strategies for managing mental health and taking part in team-building games. At the start and end of the project, they were privileged to be joined by former Team GB 400m athlete Lesley Owusu. Well done boys for great effort during the six weeks. It was a brilliant way for students to learn more about mental and physical health – valuable knowledge for their continued development.
Partridge Conservation
This week, we have been very proud to host our very own conservation project – and live-stream the whole thing on YouTube. We received a shipment of 17 grey partridge eggs as part of the national breeding and release programme. This once common bird is now listed on the ‘red list’ – meaning that the species needs urgent action. Our involvement in the project allows these ‘cheepers’ to be born safely and then be released away from shooting game sites.
At the time of writing, 11 of the partridges have hatched and have been moved to a secure location. Watch the slideshow above to see the evolution through the week! Next week, KS3 students will have a lesson to learn more about the birds and the project. You can learn more about partridges via the BBC.

Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze Award
As a precursor to Wider Learning Week, our Year 9 outdoor adventurists are undertaking their first, practice Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze Award expedition this week in Guildford. Their final, assessed trip will take place during Wider Learning Week next month. Students are away today (Friday) and tomorrow – we’ll be posting from the campsite throughout.
Performing Arts – Area of Excellence
We were delighted to receive news last week that, after an intense external audit, our performing arts curriculum area (drama and music) was accredited as an Area of Excellence.
At a time when the arts in schools are declining nationally, we continue to invest an incredible amount of time, money and resources into our performing arts department; we do this in the knowledge that students receive a truly well-balanced, creative curriculum and, aspirationally, some may choose employment pathways in the performing arts. The expert auditor summarised his thoughts in the formal report noting how “many students across the school thoroughly enjoy the performing arts, including those who do not choose to study the subjects at Key Stage 4 and 5. All pupils engage in the area and value its importance. Pupils appreciate the impact it has on their personal development.”