Post Tagged with: "Year 11"
We Are Now Cashless!
Please be aware that Isleworth & Syon School is now a cashless environment.
Newsletter: End of Autumn Term 2016
Read the highlights of a busy half-term, including a Hollywood visit, an outstanding school production, and sustained sporting success across the age ranges.
Newsletter: October Half Term 2016
It’s certainly been a busy first half term of 2016-17. Check out the highlights in this newsletter!
Debate Mate Seeks Recruits!
Come and train in the art of debating with specially-trained university students.
Harvest Challenge Charity Appeal 2016
You can help those in the local area who are desperately in need.
Open Evening 2016
We were delighted with such an impressive turnout of prospective parents/carers and students for this year’s Open Evening, which took place on Wednesday 5 October.
UPDATED: New Online Payment System
Parents/carers have now received emails inviting them to register with Tucasi ahead of the launch on 1 October.
GCSE Results 2016 – Record Progress
Brilliant results, as we achieved a 100% pass rate for the very first time, and 100% of students got A*-G.
Year 11 Prom Tickets Now on Sale!
Tickets for the Year 11 Prom 2016 are now on sale from the school shop at lunchtimes.
Extra-Curricular Activities List Now Available!
Following feedback from parents/carers and students, we’ve published a complete schedule of catch-up programmes, societies and clubs available to students.