Post Tagged with: "Year 11"
New Clubs after October Half Term 2014
After the October half term 2014, four new clubs will be starting – find out more details and how to get involved!
Target Setting Day 2014 – Arrangements for Students
Friday 17 October 2014 is Target Setting Day, an important event in the school calendar. This article details the arrangements for all students.
Examination Results 2013-14
In a year with declining results at GCSE and A-Level, Isleworth & Syon is very proud of this year’s cohort.
Summer Arts & Technology Evening
It was a magical evening on Friday 4 July 2014, as we celebrated the best of creative talent at Isleworth & Syon with our Summer Arts & Technology Evening.
Year 11 Leavers’ Assembly 2014
It was time to say goodbye on Friday 23 May 2014 as Mr Lightfoot led the Year 11 Leavers’ Assembly.
Record Examination Results – July 2013
Students achieve record highs in the GCSE and A-Level results 2013.
Top Marks for Year 11 Mathematicians
Congratulations to our top set mathematicians in Year 11 who received their final GCSE grades this week.