Post Tagged with: "Year 11"
Urban Scholars Programme
As part of our on-going Gifted & Talented provision, we have sent students on the Urban Scholars Programme during 2015-16.
Save the Children Charity Campaign Launched
Help us to make a difference by contributing to the Save the Children charity appeal.
Christmas Carol Concert – Monday 14 December 2015
One of the major events is the Carol Concert. The 2015 event takes place on Monday 14 December – find out all the details here.
Year 11 Mock Examinations Timetable Released
Year 11’s December mocks are a crucial way to test student progress. Here. you can find out exactly which examinations are when.
Debate Mate Launch 2015
Gifted & Talented students in Years 7-11 have been taking part in the Debate Mate programme once again this year.
GCSE Results 2015 – A Record High
Boys at Isleworth & Syon School continue to out-perform students nationally, as GCSE examination results improve to record levels in Summer 2015.
Start of Autumn Term 2015 Arrangements
Find out when students in each year group return to school in September 2015.
Newsletter: End of Summer Term 2015
A summary of the term’s goings-on in this end of summer term 2015 newsletter. Read about Wider Learning Week, Sports Day and much more!
Year 11 Group Photograph
The Year 11 group photograph for 2014-15 is now available to view online from Tempest Photography.
Student Writers Wanted!
We’re looking for student writers for a new project. This is a great opportunity for aspiring journalists or students who enjoy writing creatively!