Please read through our application guide carefully and let us know if you have any questions.
Before Your Application
We are a mixed Sixth Form and welcome applications from all young people.
Before completing your application, you must ensure that you read the Sixth Form Course Guide completely and thoroughly. This booklet contains vital curriculum information and outlines our basic expectations for our Sixth Form students. You can read it via the button below:
Completing Your Application
Most students will take three subjects at Level 3. However, we ask that you submit four ‘choices’, which we will use to help us plan our timetable. You must select your choices in the order of your 1st–4th preference. Please note that all courses will only run if there is enough demand.
In order to be eligible to be considered for Level 3 courses, applicants will need to meet the criteria outlined in the course guide. On the Level 2 pathway, you will take both BTEC courses.
To clarify – students may only choose to take either Level 3 or Level 2 subjects, not a combination of both.
If you have any queries about the application process, please email jdoyle@isleworthsyon.org.
The deadline for completing the online form is Friday 31 January 2025. Applications after the closing date are received but considered ‘late’, which means that we may not be able to guarantee places on courses which are oversubscribed. Please note that the completion deadline is after the Year 11 internal examinations for the majority of schools, in order for students to make realistic and appropriate course applications.
We recommend that you use the Google Chrome internet browser to complete the form, as there have been issues with other browsers. Please do not use Internet Explorer as you may lose information. You can fill out the form below.
You can also open it in a new tab.
After Your Application
You will be contacted again in due course. In February 2025, Mr Doyle (Sixth Form Leader) will conduct an interview process with successful students and their parent(s)/carer(s).
If, however, you decide to withdraw your application at any stage of the process, please let Mr Doyle know by contacting Mr Doyle. If you wish to make any amendments to your application after submission, please do this by contacting Mr Doyle via email; do not submit a new form.