“Pupils, and students in the sixth form, study an ambitious and broad curriculum that prepares them well for the next stage of their education.” – Ofsted
Isleworth & Syon has an extremely successful mixed Sixth Form which welcomes applications from all young people. Our primary aim is to ensure that all students experience an academic education of the highest standard, and the school offers a highly supportive environment for students to continue their post-sixteen studies. We take both internal applicants (from our Year 11) and external applicants (from other schools).
Isleworth & Syon School were very proud of its Year 13 cohort this summer as they collected their results. These top grades serve as a stepping stone towards their dream next steps as they complete their journey with the school. Students will be attending some of the best institutions in the country; you can see our full list of university leavers. These results were a testimony to the school’s continued desire to be ‘outstanding in every respect’.
In the Sixth Form, our expectations are high, with senior students expected to operate as role models for students in the lower school. This is reflected in the Sixth Form appearance policy.
Please click on the tabs for more information about what our Sixth Form has to offer.
Student Vision Statement
Staff Vision Statement
Our curriculum offer in a typical year can be found here. Specific details will be published in the Sixth Form Course Guide which will be published ahead of our Sixth Form Open Evening. The curriculum also provides a range of non-examinable subjects which will include enrichment, core PE, PSHE and study support.
Students who attained grades in the 4-2 range at Key Stage 4 can still enter the Sixth Form, taking a one-year Level 2 course. Upon successful completion, students are encouraged to progress on to the Level 3 courses for a further two years. All students are expected to take mathematics and English GCSE if they did not previously attain a grade 4 or above.
A Level Subjects
Level 3 Vocational Subjects
Level 2 Vocational Subjects
Level 2 Retakes
We operate supervised study sessions in the Sixth Form Study Room for Year 12 and 13. Year 12 students operate a five-period day from Monday to Friday, and have supervised study sessions if they do not have timetabled lessons. If they are on or above target in all subjects and have a good Independent Learning score, students are offered the flexibility of studying at home when not in lessons. This is reviewed each term.
Some teachers offer extra sessions in order to support their students attain the best possible grades – these operate on a drop-in basis.
For more information on our support structures, visit the Pastoral System page and click on the ‘Sixth Form’ tab.
Making the most of your time at Sixth Form is achieved by grasping opportunities. These include being a member of our Student Voice team, which consists of selected Year 13 students who contribute to the day-to-day working and organisation of the Sixth Form. One of their recent ideas involved the creation of a mentoring programme, whereby Year 13 students assist Year 12s with the rigorous UCAS process. Students have the opportunity to become Senior House Ambassadors, leading the whole-school student ambassador system. They can also volunteer to become ‘reading buddies’ for students in Years 7 and 8, and help subject areas in lessons and in clubs. One recent example was some Year 13 biologists assisting with a Year 6 dissection session with a local primary school.
If students do want to apply for university, we work hard with students to make this a reality. The Sixth Form support team and form tutors are heavily involved in the UCAS application process. Form tutors are assigned according to their students’ interests and aspirations wherever possible (for instance, students with an interest in further science study could have a member of the sciencefaculty as their tutor). Guidance is provided for every step of the process, and students are also invited to taster days, exhibitions, and university lectures and seminars. We have a comprehensive intake of students, and the spread of university destinations reflects this.
Tailored support is also offered for those students applying for Oxbridge, Medical courses, Dentistry or Veterinary School. We know how under-represented students from non-selective state schools are in these top universities and courses, and we are proud of our record in placing Isleworth & Syon students within them.