In September 2023, Isleworth & Syon began a new catering contract with The Pantry. Check out their welcome letter below (click to view full size), and then click on the tabs to learn more about their offer.
Head over to The Pantry Kitchen at break time to fuel up – the morning break menu has a variety of items available for you to choose from and enjoy! See the menu below to see what’s on offer (click to view full size).
Staying hydrated through the school day is super important – see the menu below to see what’s on offer (click to view full size).
The Pantry are passionate about eating a well balanced, healthy diet and the importance of getting in your five a day. Every Friday Morning Break, we offer each student the option to help themselves to a piece of whole fruit from the counter!
The Pantry strives to ensure there is value, choice and quality available for all at every lunchtime – every menu is designed with the Free School Meal allowance in mind. Students entitled to Free School Meals can enjoy any of our meal deals as part of your allowance.
If you are in receipt of certain benefits, you may be able to claim for free school meals. Your children are entitled to free school meals if you are any of the following:
- in receipt of Income Support
- in receipt of Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- in receipt of an Income-Related Employment and Support Allowance
- in receipt of a Child Tax Credit, but not entitled to a Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by the Inland Revenue) of no more than £16,190 (from 6 April 2015)
- being supported by the National Asylum Support Service (NASS)
- in receipt of Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit.
Online applications to the London Borough of Hounslow can be made via the London Borough of Hounslow website. Our administrative staff are happy to help you process your application; contact us if you require assistance.
Do you have any feedback you would like to share with The Pantry? They would love to hear – see below to find out how to do it.
Are you looking for a new role? Contact us via via email to see what we have available in your local area.