Welcome from the Co-Headteachers

Embedding strong habits after the break
It has been very busy week in school after half-term. Through House assemblies and Study Support sessions, teachers and students alike have worked on embedding strong daily school routines.
It is always fascinating how quickly students get out of these routines after even just one week away. Key issues and habits for us to remedy include punctuality and attendance as well as in-class strategies linked to how students can make rapid progress. The most effective in-class techniques include completing classwork, answering questions, asking questions, building on the responses of others, and reading aloud with clarity and confidence. Parents/carers can also the increase the resourceful and resilience of their son/ward so that they are better prepared for school.
- Ask your son/ward about how they have positively contributed to school each day. For example, “What’s been your favourite lesson today? Why is that?”
- Resist the temptation to do everything for your son/ward. They need to learn to manage their time efficiently; they will not do it if you get everything ready for them.
- Check that your child is keeping up with their PPA (homework) assignments – they should have several each night.
- Create a calendar on display at home – clearly marked with different equipment needed for different days (sports kit, music, projects etc.).
- Encourage the habit of looking at the schedule the night before and organising schoolbags there and then. This saves themselves (and you!) a lot of undue stress in the morning.
- Monitor your child’s punctuality if your child travels to school on public transport; remember our school policy is ‘No Minutes Lost’. Do they need to catch an earlier bus or train?
- Contact the school if you need to do so; the Pastoral Support Managers are your first point of contact.
This is our 26th newsletter of this school year – we hope that you enjoy reading it. We really do appreciate any feedback, positive or negative, about this piece of work. Leave your comment via this form.
Simon Fisher and Jo Higginbottom
Pre-Public Examinations
Important examinations from 4-8 March
In case you missed it before half-term, we have published examination timetables for the Pre-Public Examinations (PPEs), taking place for Years 11 and 13 from Monday 4 – Friday 8 March. These important examinations are the last way that students sitting public examinations this summer can get a sense of their progress, including areas where they are strong and topics where they need further improvement. Please do encourage students to think hard and work hard by downloading one of our blank revision timetables and committing to regular revision. We recommend a “little and often” strategy as the best way to maximise progress.
Students have also received Individual Candidate Timetables, detailing their seat number and venue, this week.

Coming Soon!
Some more dates for your calendar
- Monday 4 – Friday 8 March – Year 11 and Year 13 Pre-Public Examinations (PPEs)
- Thursday 7 March – Year 10 Parents/Carers Evening
- Thursday 14 March – KS4 Courses Evening (Year 9)
- Tuesday 26 March – Year 11/13 Parents/Carers Evening 2
- Wednesday 27 March – Drama & Music Showcase
- Thursday 28 March – End of Spring Term (students dismissed at 12.30pm)
- Tuesday 16 April – Start of Summer Term
- Thursday 25 April – Year 8 Parents/Carers Evening
The full calendar is available at this link.
Hounslow Community Webinars
Fascinating online webinars for parents/carers
Local community organisation AIM (Action for Isleworth Mothers) have partnered with the Hounslow Parent/Carer Champion Network to organise two important webinars that we wanted to signpost to our community.
Gangs and County Lines
Date: Tuesday 5 March
Location: Online
More Information: Flyer
Entry Link: Email
Presented by St Giles SOS, trained professionals with lived experience of the criminal justice system. The online session will cover topics including:
- Signs and indicators about how young people are exploited
- Ways in which you can have healthy conversations with your child about these topics
- How to access professional support
Violence Against Women and Girls
Date: Tuesday 12 March
Location: Online
More Information: Flyer
Entry Link: Email
In association with Abianda, an award-winning organisation who work directly with girls/young women affected by criminal exploitation/violence. The live and interactive online session will include:
- How to identify criminally exploited young women
- The barriers that stop young women seeking help
- Services available in order to access professional and adequate support.
The Pantry
A note about our catering service
We acknowledge that our new caterers, The Pantry, have so far provided a level of service that falls short of our high standards and expectations. We are aware that this week, in particular, has been very difficult.
We have been in regular conversations with the company at the highest levels of management to try and correct this. Assurances have been provided that The Pantry have been working hard behind the scenes to reach the level that was advertised to us; they feel that a corner has been turned and therefore the service will improve.
Thank you to the students who have given us valuable feedback via the various methods of student voice – we always take all feedback on board from all stakeholders. Please bear with us as we work together with The Pantry to deliver to the high standards that we expect.
Extra-Curricular Timetable – Spring Term 2
Offering outstanding opportunities to all students
The extra-curricular timetable for Spring Term 2 has been uploaded to this website; you can view it on the ‘Extra-Curricular Activities’ page of this website. With over 50 opportunities to choose from – like Mr Elliston’s Woodworking Club pictured below – it is a fantastic way for students to support their learning and develop brand new passions to take into later life. The timetable gives full details of the staff organising the activity, so students can sign up. We really do encourage every student to “buy-in” to our culture of outstanding opportunities.

Helping our students to stay safe online
This week, we have again received a handful of reports about how our young people have been unsafe online. Much of this unsafe behaviour is linked to a lack of student as well as parent/carer knowledge about social media in the digital age. Given this, we recommend watching the 15-minute video clip below which stars Jodie Whittaker (‘Doctor Who’, ‘Broadchurch’). It is really intense and thought-provoking. Many of the issues raised are at the heart of what being safe on the internet looks like.
After viewing it, reflect on the fact that many of those people who work for social media companies don’t allow their own children on social media. What can you do to make things better for your child? Are they on their phone too long? Can can you detach them from their phone? How can school make you better informed?
If you have a concern about the safety or welfare of your child, please email the safeguarding team at safeguarding@isleworthsyon.org. If there is an emergency call 999 or, for non-urgent matters that require police attention, call 101.
House Point Champions
Celebrating student success
Our weekly feature continues! In school, students earn house points for outstanding contributions in all aspects of school life including lessons, PPA (homework), extra-curricular opportunities, student leadership and citizenship. At various milestones, certificates are awarded. Click below for our top students – 20 in total – who have reached Diamond (200) this week. Congratulations!
View the namesWell done to:
Sujay ALLU (7Sn)
Hussain ANIMASAUN (7Sh)
Archie BARKER (7Tr)
Rayan EL CHAAR (8Tu)
Oldiano JUKAJ (9Bl)
Ishat KAKAR (9Bl)
Abeer MEMDANI (8Br)
Karl MOLDERO (8Bl)
Veldrich PEREIRA (7Sh)
Faris QURESHI (7Am)
Zisis ROSSIOS (9Ad)
Ayaan ROUF (8Bl)
Sahib RUPRAH (8Tu)
Jiyaan SHAH (7Tu)
Ayman SHAH (10Br)
Jacob TURSKI (10Am)
Edin ZUKIC (7Ad)
Note: this list is accurate as of 7.00am today (Friday). If your child reached a threshold after 7.00am on Friday, they will appear in the next list.

Helping students of all ages develop their skills and consider their next steps

Ski Tour
The Ski Tour is a long-standing Isleworth & Syon tradition, pushing students out of their comfort zones! During the February half-term, 43 students of all ages headed to the Austrian town of Aschau in the Zillertal Valley for seven days of fun. Tailored to all skill levels, the trained ski instructors really put students through their paces on the ski slopes during the day, while evening entertainment was incredibly varied – including bowling, quizzing, an awards ceremony, and a traditional Tyrolean evening that introduced students to some Austrian folk customs! This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for these boys, many of whom had never skied before.

Year 9 Parents/Carers Evening
Last night, we were pleased to invite Year 9 families into school for their Parents/Carers Evening, which gave them the chance to meet with students’ subject teachers. These ten-minute appointments led to fruitful discussions on what students are doing well and how they can do even better – all with the aim of maximising student progress ahead of the jump to Key Stage 4 in September.

Year 9 Sports Leadership
Earlier this year, the school was recognised by the Leadership Skills Foundation as a ‘Centre of Excellence’ – one of just 24 centres nationally. This award was recognition of the opportunities and skills our students develop through the various sports leadership pathways organised by the PE team.
One such programme has begun this week – the Level 1 Sports Leadership Programme. A group of Year 9 students were selected to participate due to their level of commitment to sport during their time with us. This course is a tremendous opportunity where students develop key life skills. It is run by our partners at Sport Impact, with the sessions due to take place every Wednesday this term. During the course, students will gain experience in leading and managing aspects of events in borough primary and secondary schools.

SkyUp Careers Day
During the February half-term, four students in Year 11 and the Sixth Form attended the SkyUp Careers Day which aimed to help young people develop their potential. Our students were able to attend due to our growing partnership with the Bridgelink Centre, based on the local Ivybridge Estate, which has become one of Sky’s flagship hubs aimed to promote digital inclusion for all ages.
At the Careers Day, which was hosted at Sky’s Osterley campus, students were given the unique chance to have one-to-one chats with Sky employees and learn more about different opportunities within the organisation. They also heard a fascinating talk about ‘growth mindset’ and undertook valuable interview practice. It was a fantastic day of activities which helped give students lots of ideas about potential next steps. The school looks forward to working closer with the Bridgelink Centre and Sky in the near future.

Ethan Nunes – Work Experience
Before half-term, we told you about the fantastic alumni visit by Milan Mistry. During half-term, Year 12 engineering student Ethan Nunes worked with Milan to arrange a half-term placement at his company, Drumgrange Ltd. Ethan communicated with Milan via email to discuss interests beforehand, before visiting the company office in Chertsey each day during half-term.
Ethan was given a broad range of experiences, including:
- Using computer-aided design (CAD) and a 3D printer
- Creating a reaction game (pictured above)
- Using computer software to identify errors in printed components
- Using other software to fix said errors
- Seeing how circuits are soldered and produced
- Testing and using an oscilloscope
All in all, it was a fascinating experience for Ethan, who came away with a greater knowledge of how electrical engineering works in practice. A great example of helping students taking their learning beyond the classroom!

Post-16 Guidance Interviews
Finally this week – continuing the theme of students thinking about their next steps – we held Post-16 Guidance Interviews with all Year 11 students. These ten-minute appointments allowed students one-to-one time with a member of staff to discuss their next steps after Year 11. We are thrilled that the majority plan to stay with us in our successful Sixth Form.