From the Headteacher
I do hope that you all had an enjoyable half-term break and that like me you are looking forward to Spring and the lighter mornings and evenings.
We heard on Monday about the ending of legal restrictions and how we all need to learn to “live with COVID”. Please do read my letter to parents/carers and in particular about how the guidance remains in place for isolation and what we can all do to reduce the further viral spread.
At the time of writing, the news of the Russian invasion of Ukraine has just been reported. Our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine and I especially ask you to think of our own students and their families who have relatives and friends in Ukraine or Russia.
Euan Ferguson
COVID-19 Updates

Vaccination is now the main method of coming to terms with living with COVID. Over 10 billion doses have been administered worldwide and the effectiveness of the vaccination programme is clear.
Pre-Public Examinations (PPE) – Years 11 & 13
These students will be sitting PPEs from 7-11 March 2022. The PPE timetable is available via the Examinations page and students have received their own timetables.
The examination boards have provided guidance for students on how they intend to support students ahead of this summer’s examinations. Your son/daughter/ward’s teachers will go into more detail over the coming weeks about the implications of this guidance.
Word of the Week
The word of the week for next week is “cumulative“.
Price Increase – CucinA

Unfortunately, we have been advised by our caterers that prices will be increasing slightly from next week.
Please read the letter from CucinA to understand the reasons for this unprecedented but predictable mid-year rise.

Safeguarding Updates
We have been warned about a social media app called Yubo, which allows children aged 13 to 17 to match with potential dates, as well as to join “lives” where they are encouraged to interact with about 100 other teenagers in group video calls. An investigation by The Sunday Times found that the app was exposing children to sexual harassment, racism and bullying.
Parents/carers are advised that the app can expose young people to inappropriate content and the advice is that children should be stopped from downloading this app.
If you have a concern about the safety or welfare of your or another child, please email the safeguarding team at safeguarding@isleworthsyon.org.

No Minutes Lost!
As the COVID pandemic enters a new phase and we learn to live alongside the virus, we are focusing on rebuilding our students’ previously excellent attendance and punctuality habits.
From Monday 28 February, the students will be challenged to maximise their learning time, by ensuring that they arrive at school and get to every lesson on time.
If a student is late to school, parents/carers will receive a notification on the same morning asking you to take responsibility for ensuring that your son/ward arrives every day in time for registration at 8.30am.
During the school day, the staff will log registers for each lesson, and we will take responsibility for ensuring that lesson time is maximised through the day.
Get Into Teaching Event – 15 March
Are you interested in a new career in teaching? If so, this is the perfect opportunity for you to learn all you need to know about teacher training and how to apply.
Our partnership of training schools is hosting a Train to Teach event at Lampton School, Lampton Avenue, Hounslow, Greater London, TW3 4EP on Tuesday 15 March 2022 between 5.30 – 7.00 pm. This free event is a great opportunity to ask all your questions about a career in teaching.
This event is designed for anyone who already has a degree (or is just completing their degree), and career changers who are interested in teaching, particularly those who are considering starting their initial teacher training in September 2022. It offers a great opportunity to get all your questions about teaching and teacher training answered.
In order to attend the event, please email Sharonjit Samrai (ssamrai@lampton.org.uk) by 8 March 2022.

Natural History Museum Trip
Miss Stead and Mr Risner took our Year 12 biologists to the Natural History Museum just before half-term. The trip connected directly to their A level course, and in particular their study of organisms. Visiting the London museum gave the students new and relevant case studies that they can discuss in their examinations.

Ellis Bloom
Former student Ellis Bloom continues his blossoming career in the theatre. He is currently working as Stage Crew in the Bridge Theatre’s production of ‘The Book of Dust’. In the photo, he is reunited with our head of performing arts, Mr McDonnell.

Democracy in Action
Congratulations to Ashan Khehra (Year 9) who finished a commendable third place in the recent borough-wide elections to be a member of the Youth Parliament. He was one of the younger candidates so we are sure he will be a strong candidate next time.
Fellow Year 9 student, Shahjahan Akbar, is currently working on a project with the local authority, consulting young people about the future of the borough. Our students will be able to contribute too, so watch out for more details next week.

- Vaccinations photo by Gustavo Fring on Pexels.com