KS3, KS4 and KS5 students were encouraged to donate non-perishable food items and toiletries to be sent to Ivybridge Link, a foodbank in our local community. This campaign ran from Wednesday 1 – Friday 10 December.
Essential food items required by the food bank included:
Top 5 items needed
Rice, tinned or packet vegetarian meals, ground pepper, instant mash and instant coffee.
Other items needed
Size 6 and 6+ nappies, tinned soup, honey, biscuits, chocolate spread, sugar, tinned potatoes, fruit juice, fruit squash, cooking oil and toilet paper.
Items not needed
The foodbanks have specified that they do not require pasta, rice pudding, tinned fruits and tinned spaghetti in tomato sauce as they have a surplus of these items.
The food donations made by students were collected by their Form Tutors, House & Citizenship Ambassadors and Senior House Ambassadors during morning registration. We raised a fantastic amount of items, and the foodbank was very grateful.