The pastoral system includes the following staff: Form Tutors; Pastoral Support Managers; House Leaders; Pastoral Leaders; Deputy Headteacher; SEND/Inclusion Co-Ordinators; Welfare Assistant; Attendance & Education Welfare Officer as well as a range of external agencies who offer individual and group support according to need.
House Leaders are responsible for establishing and promoting the excellent day-to-day behaviour of students and for ensuring that each individual makes a positive contribution to all aspects of school life; House Leaders promote engagement, participation, contribution and achievement and are responsible for maintaining the school’s accepted standards at all times. There are four houses: Adam, Brunel, Shackleton and Turner.
Pastoral Leaders are responsible for supporting the progress and learning of all students and work, specifically, with the students who present any long-term educational or disciplinary concerns. In addition, the Pastoral Leaders monitor a wide range of performance and attainment indicators relating to students in their year group(s) including; progress, attendance, punctuality, positive conduct, negative conduct, detentions, rewards and sanctions. Pastoral Leaders lead the tutor teams and uphold all school expectations.
In addition, attendance, welfare, inclusion, and SEND support is provided when needed. Finally, we work with external agencies to provide specialist support for behaviour, mentoring, health and well-being when needed.

The school has a strong disciplinary code as well as a desire for all students to behave and act in a responsible and respectful manner within our community to enable everyone to be “outstanding in every respect.” We hope that students will learn to develop their own individuality whilst maintaining respect and sensitivity towards others. We encourage students to develop self-discipline; to take responsibility for their actions; to consider the impact of these actions upon the wider community both in and out of school; to understand how any behaviour contributes to success in school life, relationships, adult life and work. The pastoral system encourages all students to recognise the difference between right and wrong, to readily apply this understanding in their own lives and, in so doing, accept and respect the civil and criminal law of England.
We encourage parents/carers to work in close partnership with us. In accepting a place at the school for your son/ward at Isleworth & Syon you are agreeing to support the aims, standards and expectations of the school. We ask that communication is maintained via the Pastoral Support Managers, in the first instance, who are always keen to address any issues which parents/carers may have. Should any student’s behaviour or progress become of concern, we will ensure that the issues are addressed in accordance with all current Department for Education guidelines.
The school places very high expectations of behaviour upon the students but values the importance of allowing students to learn from their mistakes as they grow into responsible young men. Therefore we include “a chance to change” (CTC) in our formal behaviour strategy. A framework of sanctions and rewards supports the school in achieving the highest standards of personal discipline and in ensuring that respect and courtesy are the norm. This, in turn, allows for teaching & learning to be the primary focus.
Many other opportunities exist for students to demonstrate their leadership potential and expertise. We are one of the few schools recognised nationally as a Leadership Foundation Centre of Excellence – indeed, Isleworth & Syon was the first London school to be recognised for the strength of its Sports Leaders programme, which gives students the opportunity to volunteer in primary schools and at borough sporting events. In drama, the Performing Arts Tech Crew gives students the chance to co-ordinate backstage roles in productions and concerts, including lighting, costume and sound. Students can also assist in the library as well as in various other ways.
In the Sixth Form, numerous duties are carried out by the students, all of which contribute to their own personal development, as well as the good of the school. These include the appointment of a Head Student and deputies, who partake in various responsibilities throughout the school, as well as the Student Voice team, a group of Year 13 students who assist with the organisation and day-to-day running of the Sixth Form. See the next tab for more details.
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
The Sixth Form is supported by a tutor team, which consists of seven members of staff who each have a form group. Form Tutors are assigned according to their students’ interests and aspirations wherever possible (for instance, students with an interest in further Science study could have a member of the science faculty as their tutor). They can provide one-to-one guidance to students where appropriate.
All attendance issues must go through the school. Parents/carers of Sixth Form students are asked to call the Sixth Form Attendance Line (020 8232 7972) and leave a message if their child is to be absent from school for sickness or any other reason. A call should be made for every day that a student is absent, and absences not reported will be noted as unauthorised, with further steps being taken if appropriate. Only parents/carers can authorise absences. Attendance in the Sixth Form is compulsory, and any students not adhering to the rules regarding attendance will be subject to sanctions.