Category: News
Special Awards – End of Autumn Term 2014-15
At the end of the Autumn Term, selected students were presented with Special Awards for their contribution.
Meet the Author: Andrew Lane
In the latest instalment of our ‘Meet the Author’ series, Andrew Lane visited Isleworth & Syon.
Carol Concert 2014
On Monday 15 December 2014, the school hosted its traditional Carol Concert at the local St Mary’s Church.
Carol Concert Invitation – Monday 15 December 2014
The annual Carol Concert takes place on Monday 15th December 2014, at 7.00pm.
NSPCC Number Day
Friday 5th December was NSPCC Number Day, and the Mathematics department ran a number of activities designed to promote numeracy skills in school.
School Production 2014: ‘Great Expectations’
This year’s school production, ‘Great Expectations’, was another massive success on the nights of Thursday 4 and Friday 5 December.
Christmas Fundraising
After the success of the Harvest Challenge, we have decided to do some Christmas-themed fundraising to help those at the Ivybridge Foodbank.
Harvest Challenge 2014
Following the excellent fundraising efforts from each of the three houses during the Harvest Challenge, we received an email from Ivy Bridge Foodbank.
‘Looking Good’
On Wednesday 26 November, a travelling theatre company visited Isleworth & Syon, to perform a piece for Year 9 students titled ‘Looking Good’.
Gallery: Russell Brand at the Royal Albert Hall
In November 2014, students went to the Royal Albert Hall to watch Russell Brand read from his new children’s book; view some photos here.