School Uniform
- School Blazer with Badge. (No other badges allowed unless awarded by the school.)
- School Tie (Clip-on ties for Years 7 & 8) or Colours Tie when awarded.
- Black School Trousers (Formal style – no canvas/ chino / jean style.)
- Plain, black belt (with plain buckle) if required. (Compulsory if trousers are likely to slip down – no undergarments are to be visible.)
- White Shirt. (long- or short-sleeved)
- Black Outdoor Shoes – preferably laced (no trainers / trainer-style / casual footwear / no boots. No logos / additional colours.)
- Black V-Necked Sweater or Black V-Necked Tank Top. (Optional)
- Plain Dark Coloured Socks.
- Plain Coat, if required (no denim / leather / suede; no hoodies / tracksuit tops or sports tops.)
Excessively shaven hair, shaved eyebrows or any shaven step/lines/patterns/fashion trims are not acceptable. Neat and smart braiding is acceptable.
*Conventional = formal not casual, business-like/office standard dress/traditional – not related to any current musical, sporting or fashion trend.
The school can insist on re-styling if it considers the style inappropriate.
We recognise that changing hairstyles are part of modern everyday society. However, the school is a work environment for a large number of children and young adults who can be at a vulnerable stage of their life. It is our opinion that extreme styles are not appropriate in such an environment. We are also aware that many young people feel the need to conform to trends and that many parents do not wish their children to be in an environment where certain extreme trends are permitted and likely to be copied.
(Current guidance indicates that the vast majority of symbolic items/requirements for any faith are optional and therefore – as we are a non-denominational school – are not permitted within this policy.)
Physical Education
PE | Games |
House Polo Shirt | School Games Shirt |
Black Shorts | Black Shorts |
White sport socks | Red School Games Socks |
Training Shoes / Astro Trainers | Football / Rugby Boots |
Students unable to participate will be required to change into their kit (if able to do so) and contribute to the lesson through observation, refereeing and other general duties.
Purchasing Uniform/Kit
The only items where we act as the sole supplier are:
- School Tie
- School Badge (should you wish to purchase your own blazer)
- House Polo Shirt
- School Games Shirt.
All other items are stock items available from a range of outlets. However, items sold in our shop are checked for quality and price and we trust that you will find that the service is excellent.
The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) are the final arbiters of the Appearance Code in all cases.