- Our staff are committed to teaching technique in a hands-on way to make learning accessible.
- Ready... set... GO! Sports Day is an annual house competition that tests students' skills in track and field!
- We own the Osterley track opposite the school - a fully-functioning, professional-standard athletics venue.
Students at Isleworth & Syon are given a full range of opportunities to take part in physical activity, physical education, non-competitive and competitive sports. Through inter-house and inter-school activities we offer coaching/training sessions, exercise classes, trips/visits, residential experiences and other out-of-school activities. All students are encouraged to make full use of these opportunities for their own personal benefit. The PE staff also use the subject area to promote the learning of ‘skills for life’, such as communication and leadership skills, working in a team and learning to deal with success and failure.
Curriculum Content
Boys have two hours of physical activity per week. One lesson, the games lesson, is based on traditional games which the boys will begin a deep and meaningful journey in mastering the key skills and rules/laws of Isleworth & Syon’s traditionally played games. The core principles of teamwork and fair play are key values taught in this lesson. The other lesson, the PE lesson, is tailored to introduce the boys to activities which they may not have experienced at primary school and broaden their understanding in these new areas. It is also an opportunity for the boys to express themselves in a variety of ways, within a variety of different settings.
PE Lesson
In the PE lesson, boys will experience an array of activities whereby they work on their own, in pairs and in groups to overcome challenges and learn to display levels of endurance, strength, stamina and speed. Boys in this lesson will take part in fitness tests throughout the year to show levels of progress as they develop their levels of physical competence. This lesson also looks at the fundamentals and ABCs of movement in order for all boys to develop a solid skillset from which to perform, and then develops into different activities to spark the students’ interest in sports that may have been undiscovered previously.
Games Lesson
With the school offering such a varied provision in terms of games and sport, the boys in Year 7 will be taught the basics of a variety of different sports and games which will enable them to develop both new experiences and a better understanding within open and closed contexts. Boys will also compete in a number of competitive scenarios and situations in relation to the taught games, as well as take part in the historic Isleworth & Syon road run, over the course of the year.
Formal assessment within the subject happens in both lessons, but boys will be assessed and data will be recorded from the PE lesson of the week. The assessment methods and strategies are designed and used to extract the most out of pupils – physically, mentally, orally and socially – and with the consistency of it being applied in one key area of the curriculum which all boys will experience. The transparency and consistent application meets the needs of both the boys within the subject and the assessment requirements. The assessment style will include 4 areas and progress will be graded 1–4.
Physical Competence
This strand looks at assessing the boys against how well they complete physical actions and how accurately they perform as athletes having been taught the basic actions and necessary skills set. We also take into account how physical the boys are within lessons both taking part and enduring levels of physical effort.
Lifestyle and Mindset
This strand looks to assess the boys’ overall levels and amount of physical activity they undertake. Alongside how much they do, it also assesses how they see the subject and also how mentally strong they are when completing and taking part in lessons.
Progress & Preparation Activities (PPA)
Whilst there is no formal, written home learning task, students are expected to attend and take part in extra-curricular sport/physical activity. Information on the available teams/clubs can be found here.
Further Resources
The school has a subscription to The Day, an online news service for schools. Click the button to the right, then browse ‘Subjects’ in the top menu to find PE resources.
Please see below for a number of resources to maximise students’ progress during their Year 7 curriculum.
- Rugby – learn about the laws of rugby.
- Football – learn about the laws of football.
- Cricket – learn about the laws of cricket.
- Basketball – learn about the laws of basketball.
PE Lesson
In the PE lesson, boys will experience an array of activities whereby they work on their own, in pairs and in groups to overcome challenges and learn to display levels of endurance, strength, stamina and speed. Boys in this lesson will take part in fitness tests throughout the year to show levels of progress as they develop their levels of physical competence. This lesson also looks at developing the PE taught skills in Year 7 and expanding them into an advanced skillset.
Games Lesson
With a solid basis for learning established in Year 7, this topic seeks to further instil a higher level of skill and ability into the rich nature of the sports and games covered in the previous year. Advanced skills sets are what separate the top athlete, from the best athletes. This is reflected in this unit, whereby the boys are faced with a higher level of skills that they must learn, replicate and complete under direct pressure and open situations. Boys will also compete in a number of competitive scenarios and situations in relation to the taught games, as well as take part in the historic Isleworth & Syon road run, over the course of the year.
Formal assessment within the subject happens in both lessons, but boys will be assessed and data will be recorded from the PE lesson of the week. The assessment methods and strategies are designed and used to extract the most out of pupils – physically, mentally, orally and socially – and with the consistency of it being applied in one key area of the curriculum which all boys will experience. The transparency and consistent application meets the needs of both the boys within the subject and the assessment requirements. The assessment style will include 4 areas and progress will be graded 1–4.
Physical competence
This strand looks at assessing the boys against how well they complete physical actions and how accurately they perform as athletes having been taught the basic actions and necessary skills set. We also take into account how physical the boys are within lessons both taking part and enduring levels of physical effort.
Technical and tactical
Here we look at the technical and tactical development of using appropriate skills and techniques in order to gain an advantage over an opponent or sporting situation. Boys will be able to complete simple and complex tasks where they have to select and use relevant skills and techniques then apply them to meet the demands of the context they are in, whether physical or skill based.
Lifestyle and mindset
This strand looks to assess the boys’ overall levels and amount of physical activity they undertake. Alongside how much they do, it also assesses how they see the subject and also how mentally strong they are when completing and taking part in lessons.
Progress & Preparation Activities (PPA)
Whilst there is no formal, written home learning task, students are expected to attend and take part in extra-curricular sport/physical activity. Information on the available teams/clubs can be found here.
Further Resources
The school has a subscription to The Day, an online news service for schools. Click the button to the right, then browse ‘Subjects’ in the top menu to find PE resources.
Please see below for a number of resources to maximise students’ progress during their Year 8 curriculum.
Below you will find a series of links to the main skills of the major sports we play at Isleworth & Syon. They will be useful for you to look at and get to know as you will be required to learn, execute and evaluate them when taking part in both lessons and in after-school practices.
PE Lesson
In the PE lesson boys will experience an array of activities whereby they work on their own, in pairs and in groups to overcome challenges and learn to display levels of endurance, strength, stamina and speed. Boys in this lesson will take part in fitness tests throughout the year to show levels of progress as they develop their levels of physical competence. This lesson also looks to introduce and develop specific areas of the Key Stage 4 PE options offered by the department. There is a large focus on leadership, team and individual sports.
Games Lesson
The final stage of the games thread at Key Stage 3 instils the attacking and defensive mindset thoroughly into the boys. It seeks to set out challenges in every way possible in both team and individual sports. It then enables them to use the comprehensive skills and knowledge set they have learned lower down the school in order to overcome these challenges and bring about the best possible results and outcomes. Being able to think how to create chances or how to beat opponents, or even to stop opponents and exploit weaknesses, are some of the key features that boys will learn in their tactical games thread. Boys will also compete in a number of competitive scenarios and situations in relation to the taught games, as well as take part in the historic Isleworth & Syon road run, over the course of the year.
Formal assessment within the subject happens in both lessons, but boys will be assessed and data will be recorded from the PE lesson of the week. The assessment methods and strategies are designed and used to extract the most out of pupils – physically, mentally, orally and socially – and with the consistency of it being applied in one key area of the curriculum which all boys will experience. The transparency and consistent application meets the needs of both the boys within the subject and the assessment requirements. The assessment style will include 4 areas and progress will be graded 1 – 4.
Physical competence
This strand looks at assessing the boys against how well they complete physical actions and how accurately they perform as athletes having been taught the basic actions and necessary skills set. We also take into account how physical the boys are within lessons both taking part and enduring levels of physical effort.
Technical and tactical
Here we look at the technical and tactical development of using appropriate skills and techniques in order to gain an advantage over an opponent or sporting situation. Boys will be able to complete simple and complex tasks where they have to select and use relevant skills and techniques then apply them to meet the demands of the context they are in, whether physical or skill based.
Lifestyle and mindset
This strand looks to assess the boys’ overall levels and amount of physical activity they undertake. Alongside how much they do, it also assesses how they see the subject and also how mentally strong they are when completing and taking part in lessons.
Evaluate and progress
This final strand assesses the boys’ ability to take a step back and review what they have been doing. This is to get them to identify things that they do well and things they need to improve on, then go about finding ways to maintain levels of success and/or improve what they have been doing if needed. This ultimately will allow boys to always move their learning forward and succeed in both reaching and bettering their target levels within the subject.
Progress & Preparation Activities (PPA)
Whilst there is no formal, written home learning task, students are expected to attend and take part in extra-curricular sport/physical activity. Information on the available teams/clubs can be found here.
Further Resources
The school has a subscription to The Day, an online news service for schools. Click the button to the right, then browse ‘Subjects’ in the top menu to find PE resources.
Please see below for a number of resources to maximise students’ progress during their Year 9 curriculum.
Below you will find a series of links to the main skills of the major sports we play at Isleworth & Syon. They will be useful for you to look at and get to know as you will be required to learn, execute and evaluate them when taking part in both lessons and in after-school practices.
GCSE Physical Education
Level: GCSE
Examination Board: AQA
In Year 10, students will study the following topics:
- The participant as an individual
- The physical and mental demands of performance
- Socio-cultural influences
- Health, fitness and a healthy active lifestyle
- Training
Non-examined assessment – in three different sports – 40% of GCSE
Written examination – two papers, each lasting 1 hour 15 minutes – 60% of GCSE
Further Resources
The school has a subscription to The Day, an online news service for schools. Click the button to the right, then browse ‘Subjects’ in the top menu to find PE resources.
Please see below for a number of resources to maximise students’ progress during their Year 10 curriculum.
- BBC: Get Inspired – some fantastic resources from the BBC based on the fundamental skills of most sports.
- NHS: Change 4 Life – dedicated NHS site with information on the benefits of a healthy active lifestyle.
- Brian Mac: Sports Coach – the one-stop shop for information on fitness, fitness testing, and training.
- Footy 4 Kids – contains lots of coaching ideas and resources for coaching the beautiful game.
In Year 11, students will study the following topics:
- Sports psychology
- Socio-cultural influences
- Health, fitness and well-being
Non-examined assessment – in three different sports and coursework – 40% of GCSE
Written examination – two papers, 1 hour 15 minutes each – 60% of GCSE
Further Resources
The school has a subscription to The Day, an online news service for schools. Click the button to the right, then browse ‘Subjects’ in the top menu to find PE resources.
Please see below for a number of resources to maximise students’ progress during their study of this course during Year 11.
- BBC: Get Inspired – some fantastic resources from the BBC based on the fundamental skills of most sports.
- NHS: Change 4 Life – dedicated NHS site with information on the benefits of a healthy active lifestyle.
- Brian Mac: Sports Coach – the one-stop shop for information on fitness, fitness testing, and training.
- Footy 4 Kids – contains lots of coaching ideas and resources for coaching the beautiful game.
Cambridge National Level 1/2 Sport Studies
Level: 1/2
Examination Board: OCR
In Year 10, students will study the following topics:
- Contemporary issues in sport
- Performance and leadership in sports activities
Unit R185 – Performance and Leadership in Sports Activities
Externally set assignment – 33% of CNAT grade
Further Resources
The school has a subscription to The Day, an online news service for schools. Click the button to the right, then browse ‘Subjects’ in the top menu to find PE resources.
Please see below for a number of resources to maximise students’ progress during their Year 10 curriculum.
- BBC: Get Inspired – some fantastic resources from the BBC based on the fundamental skills of most sports.
- NHS: Change 4 Life – dedicated NHS site with information on the benefits of a healthy active lifestyle.
- Brian Mac: Sports Coach – the one-stop shop for information on fitness, fitness testing, and training.
- Footy 4 Kids – contains lots of coaching ideas and resources for coaching the beautiful game.
In Year 11, students will study the following topics:
- Contemporary issues in sport
Unit R184 – Contemporary Issues in Sport
External examination – 33% of CNAT grade
Unit R185 – Sport and the Media
Externally set assignment – 33% of CNAT grade
Further Resources
The school has a subscription to The Day, an online news service for schools. Click the button to the right, then browse ‘Subjects’ in the top menu to find PE resources.
Please see below for a number of resources to maximise students’ progress during their study of this course during Year 11.
- Sports Leaders UK – Sports Leaders UK website.
- BBC: Get Inspired – some fantastic resources from the BBC based on the fundamental skills of most sports.
- NHS: Change 4 Life – dedicated NHS site with information on the benefits of a healthy active lifestyle.
- Brian Mac: Sports Coach – the one-stop shop for information on fitness, fitness testing, and training.
- Footy 4 Kids – contains lots of coaching ideas and resources for coaching the beautiful game.
Level 3 Cambridge Technical in Sport and Physical Activity
Level: 3
Examination Board: OCR
Students will study the following topics:
- Body Systems and the Effects of Physical Activity
- Sports Coaching and Activity Leadership
- Sports Organisation and Development
- Organisation of Sports Events
- Practical Skills in Sport and Physical Activities
Assessment is primarily coursework-based and may take many forms including: practical assessment, assignments, presentations, and video. However, two modules are externally-examined – ‘Body Systems and the Effects of Physical Activity’ and ‘Sports Organisation and Development’.
Further Resources
The school has a subscription to The Day, an online news service for schools. Click the button to the right, then browse ‘Subjects’ in the top menu to find PE resources.
Please see below for a number of resources to maximise students’ progress during their study of this course.
- BBC: Get Inspired – some fantastic resources from the BBC based on the fundamental skills of most sports.
- NHS: Change 4 Life – dedicated NHS site with information on the benefits of a healthy active lifestyle.
- Brian Mac: Sports Coach – the one-stop shop for information on fitness, fitness testing, and training.
- Footy 4 Kids – contains lots of coaching ideas and resources for coaching the beautiful game.
Level: 3
Examination Board: OCR
Students will study the following topics:
- Body Systems and the effects of Physical Activity
- Sports Coaching and Activity Leadership
- Sports Organisation and Development
- Organisation of Sports Events
- Practical Skills in Sport and Physical Activities
- Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Physical Activity for Specific Groups
- Performance Analysis in Sport and Exercise
- Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation
- Health and Fitness Testing for Sport and Exercise
- Working Safely in Sport, Exercise, Health and Leisure
Assessment is primarily coursework-based and may take many forms including: practical assessment, assignments, presentations, and video. However, three modules are externally-examined – ‘Body Systems and the Effects of Physical Activity’, ‘Sports Organisation and Development’ and ‘Working Safely in Sport, Exercise, Health and Leisure’.
Further Resources
The school has a subscription to The Day, an online news service for schools. Click the button to the right, then browse ‘Subjects’ in the top menu to find PE resources.
Please see below for a number of resources to maximise students’ progress during their study of this course.
- BBC: Get Inspired – some fantastic resources from the BBC based on the fundamental skills of most sports.
- NHS: Change 4 Life – dedicated NHS site with information on the benefits of a healthy active lifestyle.
- Brian Mac: Sports Coach – the one-stop shop for information on fitness, fitness testing, and training.
- Footy 4 Kids – contains lots of coaching ideas and resources for coaching the beautiful game.
Level: 3
Examination Board: OCR
Students will study the following topics:
- Body Systems and the effects of Physical Activity
- Sports Coaching and Activity Leadership
- Sports Organisation and Development
- Organisation of Sports Events
- Practical Skills in Sport and Physical Activities
- Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Physical Activity for Specific Groups
- Performance Analysis in Sport and Exercise
- Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation
- Health and Fitness Testing for Sport and Exercise
- Working Safely in Sport, Exercise, Health and Leisure
- Improving Fitness for Sport and Physical Activity
- Nutrition
- Working in Active Leisure Facilities
- Group Exercise to Music
- The Business of Sport
- Sport and Exercise Sociology
Assessment is primarily coursework-based and may take many forms including: practical assessment, assignments, presentations, and video. However, four modules are externally-examined – ‘Body Systems and the Effects of Physical Activity’, ‘Sports Organisation and Development’, ‘Working Safely in Sport, Exercise, Health and Leisure’ and ‘The Business of Sport’.
Further Resources
The school has a subscription to The Day, an online news service for schools. Click the button to the right, then browse ‘Subjects’ in the top menu to find PE resources.
Please see below for a number of resources to maximise students’ progress during their study of this course.
- BBC: Get Inspired – some fantastic resources from the BBC based on the fundamental skills of most sports.
- NHS: Change 4 Life – dedicated NHS site with information on the benefits of a healthy active lifestyle.
- Brian Mac: Sports Coach – the one-stop shop for information on fitness, fitness testing, and training.
- Footy 4 Kids – contains lots of coaching ideas and resources for coaching the beautiful game.
BTEC Level 2 Award in Public Services
Level: BTEC
Examination Board: Edexcel
In Year 10, students will study the following topics:
- The role and work of the Public Services
- Working skills in the Public Service sector
- Employment in the Public Services
- Health, fitness and lifestyle for the Public Services
Unit 1 – The Role and Work of the Public Services
External online examination – 25% of BTEC grade
Unit 2 – Working Skills in the Public Service Sector
Assignment and presentation – 25% of BTEC grade
Unit 3 – The Role and Work of the Public Services
Assignment – 25% of BTEC grade
Unit 5 – Working Skills in the Public Service Sector
Assignment – 25% of BTEC grade
Further Resources
The school has a subscription to The Day, an online news service for schools. Click the button to the right, then browse ‘Subjects’ in the top menu to find PE resources.
Please see below for a number of resources to maximise students’ progress during their Year 10 curriculum.
- Metropolitan Police – find out more about the Police.
- Home Office – discover about the Home Office.
- Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs – find out more about the department.
- Fire Service – learn about the Fire Service.
- NHS – discover about the NHS.
- Mountain Rescue – learn about the Mountain Rescue.
A level Physical Education
Level: A level (either single-year [AS] or double-year [A2])
Examination Board: AQA
This AS level course will be taken during Year 12 only.
In Year 12, students will study the following topics:
- Applied anatomy and physiology
- Skill acquisition
- Sport and society
- Biomechanical movement
- Sport psychology
- Sport and society and the role of technology in physical activity and sport
- Practical performance in physical activity and sport
External written examination – 2 hours (84 marks) – 70% of final AS grade
Controlled assessment – Internal practical assessment and verbal response to performance (externally-moderated, 90 marks) – 30% of final AS grade
During the year there will be a series of internal assessments to ensure the accurate tracking of the students’ progress on the course. There must also be a weekly commitment to extra-curricular sport, both in and out of the school environment to ensure a high level of sporting performance.
Further Resources
The school has a subscription to The Day, an online news service for schools. Click the button to the right, then browse ‘Subjects’ in the top menu to find PE resources.
Please see below for a number of resources to maximise students’ progress during their Year 10 curriculum.
- AQA – examination board website containing everything needed to prepare for the examinations.
This A level course will be taken during Years 12 & 13.
In Years 12 & 13, students will study the following topics:
- Applied anatomy and physiology
- Skill acquisition
- Sport and society
- Biomechanical movement
- Sport psychology
- Sport and society and the role of technology in physical activity and sport
External written examination – two papers each lasting 2 hours (105 marks) – 35% each of final A level
Controlled assessment – internal practical assessment and verbal response to one sporting performance (externally-moderated, 90 marks) – 30% of final A Level
During the year there will be a series of internal assessments to ensure the accurate tracking of the students’ progress on the course. There must also be a weekly commitment to extra-curricular sport, both in and out of the school environment to ensure a high level of sporting performance.
Further Resources
The school has a subscription to The Day, an online news service for schools. Click the button to the right, then browse ‘Subjects’ in the top menu to find PE resources.
Please see below for a number of resources to maximise students’ progress during their Year 10 curriculum.
- AQA – examination board website containing everything needed to prepare for the examinations.
- Athletics
- Badminton
- Basketball
- Cricket
- Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (Bronze, Silver, Gold)
- Football
- Higher Level Sports Leaders Award (16 UCAS points)
- Indoor Hockey
- Indoor Rowing
- Rugby
- Table Tennis
- Weight Training / Cross Fit
You can view the full extra-curricular PE calendar here.