Examinations are a key part of school life at Isleworth & Syon, providing valuable information on how well students are progressing with their learning. At Key Stage 3, examinations in core subjects (English, mathematics and science) are held in the Sports Hall, according to the external rules and regulations that govern public examinations such as GCSEs. This is to give students the experience of sitting their examinations at their own examination desk rather than at a shared desk, and being supervised by independent invigilators and observing all processes they will have to do later in their education. Examinations in non-core subjects are taken during lessons in classrooms.

At Key Stage 4, mocks and pre-public examinations will be held in all subjects that have an examined component. They will be held under formal examination conditions and will not generally be in lessons. Year 10 students will sit GCSE Statistics and BTEC assessments as appropriate.

During Key Stage 5, internal examinations are taken at the end of Year 12 and public examinations at the end of Year 13. There will be some exceptions to this – for example, university admissions tests and vocational examinations.

‘Preparing to Sit Your Exams’

JCQ have prepared a guide to sitting examinations. You can read it at this link.

Key Documents

Listed below are key information documents from JCQ, the examinations governing body. Please read these thoroughly.

Handbook & Policies

All students sitting examinations should read the Examinations Handbook below thoroughly. Also available are a series of policies relating to examinations.

  • Examinations Handbook
  • Examinations Policies