Two Year 11 students take part in Work Experience at Cisco Systems.
The labour market has transformed over the last few years to a fast-changing and highly dynamic environment where transferable skills are at a premium. Long gone are the days of a ‘job for life’, and it is expected that in the 10-15 years after leaving Isleworth & Syon School, students will have undertaken four changes in career, sometimes more. With this in mind, we have devised a vibrant programme of encounters, visits, and experiences that will prepare your son and develop these transferable skills so that he can be a success in whatever employment he chooses.

The tabs on this page offer a taste of what we offer. However, we are always keen to work with new partners and to celebrate the successes of current and former students.

For more information, please contact the Careers Leader, Mark Adams. You can email or telephone 0208 568 5791.

We review our published careers information on a frequent basis and use the Compass Careers Benchmark Tool to assess the impact of our careers programme.

This will next be reviewed in September 2024.

Click on a heading below to learn more about that year group.

In addition to the support provided by the school, there are a number of resources available to support parents/carers in helping their child to make the best decisions for them. These include:

Click an image to learn more about each provider.

We also recommend the Inspiring Careers Programme Choices magazine, available by clicking below:

  • Inspiring Careers Programme Choice Magazine
  • It doesn’t matter when you left Isleworth & Syon School, whether you’re in higher education or employment, whether you still live nearby or have moved further away – we are always looking for former students to support the next generation of Isleworthians.

    Below, former Isleworth & Syon Student Alex Newberry (1999-2006) talks about his career to date and the challenges he has faced.

    Register your interest via the form below:

  • Alumni Registration Form