Taking a place at Isleworth & Syon School means joining a school with a long and successful history dating back to 1630. Over our 400-year history, we can point to sustained success for the nearly 100,000 students who have passed through our doors. We offer expertise and pedigree – we do not have to just tell you that we are successful, but we can show you that this is the case.

Everything that we do in school is focused on a singular goal – getting the very best out of our boys. That’s the Isleworth & Syon way – and we are committed to it on a daily basis.

So how do we ensure that boys thrive?

  • We have established a culture of high standards – every student knows the Isleworth & Syon way
  • We recruit only the best teachers, subject specialists who are, or will become, experts in teaching boys
  • We teach a curriculum which provides high-quality learning experiences structured specifically for our boys
  • We help boys explore their futures, through careers education that relies not on stereotypes but on boys’ own interests
  • We connect with you, the parents/carers, working in partnership to maximise your child’s potential

This website should give you a flavour of what we have to offer including top-class facilities, a broad and diverse programme of extra-curricular activities, an outstanding pastoral system, and much more. We also recommend that you check out our prospectus, which goes into more detail about who we are and what we stand for.

  • MORE: Take a look at the school’s ethos in more detail.