A female teacher stands at the front of a class, holding a pen.
The staff at Isleworth & Syon are led by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT), consisting of the Co-Headteachers, one Deputy Headteacher and six Assistant Headteachers. Together, they are responsible for the day-to-day running of the school.

Responsibilities Name
Co-Headteachers Mr S Fisher and Ms J Higginbottom
Deputy Headteacher – Behaviour & Inclusion and Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Mr P Shaw
Assistant Headteacher – Sixth Form Leader / Safeguarding Mr J Doyle
Assistant Headteacher – Inclusion / Safeguarding Mrs L Clayton
Assistant Headteacher – Years 7 & 10 / Primary Transition Mr M Dargan
Assistant Headteacher – Years 8 & 9 / Pastoral Mr S McAlinden
Assistant Headteacher – ICT / Examinations Ms T Billimoria
Assistant Headteacher – Teacher Training Mrs L Lane
Each subject area is led by one curriculum or subject leader, along with deputies and assistants where appropriate.

Responsibilities Name
English & Film Mrs K Axten and Miss S Hannon
Mathematics Mr J Barry
Science Ms N Stead
Business & Economics Ms S Caesar and Mr M Sakhi
Creative Arts Mr R Carpenter
Computing Ms J Stroude
Design & Technology Mr M Scanlon
Humanities (Geography, History, Religious Education and PSHE) Ms C Lawler and Mr H Judge
Modern Foreign Languages (French & Spanish) Mr S Moore
Music (Subject Leader) Mr D McKeever
Performing Arts (Drama & Music) Mr T McDonnell
Physical Education Mr M Mullins
Learning Support Miss C Atkin
The pastoral team are an integral part of the school, led by the Deputy Headteacher – Behaviour and Inclusion. The Pastoral Support Managers listed below should be a parent/carer’s first line of enquiry when it comes to school matters.

Responsibilities Name
Pastoral Leader: Years 7 & 10 Mr M Dargan
Pastoral Support Manager: (Year 7 & 10/Adam & Shackleton House) Miss A Ludhra
Pastoral Leader: Years 8 & 9 Mr S McAlinden
Pastoral Support Manager: (Year 8 & 9/Turner House) Mrs R Dwyer
Pastoral Leader: Year 11 Mr N Gaskell
Pastoral Support Manager: (Year 11/Brunel House) Miss N Elliott
House Leader: Adam Miss L Shukla
House Leader: Brunel Mr P Jackson
House Leader: Shackleton Mr A Nowicki
House Leader: Turner Ms J Clerc
Sixth Form Leader Mr J Doyle
Deputy Sixth Form Leader Mr D West
The school’s Support Staff are members of non-teaching staff who assist with the day-to-day running of the school. This list does not include the Pastoral Support Managers, who are detailed in the ‘Pastoral’ tab.

Responsibilities Name
Data Manager Mrs R Golhar
Education Welfare & Attendance Manager Mr D Brown
Senior Finance Officer Ms R Mwangi
Co-Headteachers’ PA / HR Manager / Office Manager Miss P George
Librarians Ms D Squires and Mrs S Matthews
Marketing & Communications Manager Mr M Kettle
Network Manager Mr M Carter
Operations & Estates Manager Mr R Harman
Welfare Assistant Mrs R Bruzon
Work Experience Co-Ordinator Mrs J Spink
Responsibilities Name
Careers Leader Mr M Adams
Child Protection: Designated Safeguarding Lead Mr P Shaw
Child Protection: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Miss C Atkin
Mrs L Clayton
Mr M Dargan
Mr J Doyle
Mr S Fisher
Ms J Higginbottom
Mr S McAlinden
Data Protection Officer Mr Craig Stillwell
Judicium Consulting Ltd, 72 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 6AE
Tel: 020 3326 9174
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Educational Visits Coordinator Miss O Thomson
Examinations Head of Centre Ms J Higginbottom
Looked After Children: Designated Officer Mrs L Clayton
Mental Health & Wellbeing Lead Mrs L Clayton
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) Miss C Atkin