It means giving teachers the tools to do what they do best: teach.
It means creating the best teaching spaces, so that our boys can learn successfully.
It means using technology to complement teaching, so that our boys can fulfil their potential.
And it means investing wisely in the future.
In 2018, we wanted to add to the site in a way that made a difference to our students. It cost £6.5 million to create state-of-the-art learning areas for students, so that is what we did. Already, students are reaping the rewards of 24 new high-quality teaching rooms.
In 2020, we spent £1 million on re-locating drama and music spaces to new purpose-built facilities. We expanded our dining rooms, added a new Sixth Form Study Room and refurbished our kitchen to allow our chef the most modern food preparation area.
Our site consists of the main building and various later additions, such as the art and design & technology areas and Sports Hall. Works are undertaken regularly to ensure that the school site is the best it can possibly be to equip our students for learning.
- eleven science laboratories;
- three art rooms with pottery and darkroom facilities;
- six design & technology workshops, containing computerised lathe facilities and a food technology classroom;
- three extensively-equipped computer rooms with multi-media machines running Windows 10, and high-speed internet access;
- a music suite, containing music technology facilities equipped with modern Apple iMacs, plus three music practice rooms and a recording studio;
- two new drama studios with a performance space;
- a Sixth Form study room – a designated facility to allow our senior students the opportunity to maximise their potential;
- an extended library with extensive computer access
- a large assembly hall used for school and community productions.
Our classrooms are modern, spacious and well-ventilated, providing an excellent learning environment.
As well as these, the school has extensive playground areas, with basketball hoops and markings for various other sports. There are also a number of table-tennis tables in designated areas. The school’s gymnasium is equipped with various gymnastic apparatus, while the sports hall has basketball hoops, football goals and badminton nets. Next to the the Sports Hall is a gym for more senior students which includes weight lifting facilities and rowing machines.
We are fortunate to have a number of community partners in the local area which allow access to: the athletics track at the Osterley Sports Centre just across the road from the school; tennis courts at Thistleworth Tennis Club; Olympic standard hockey facilities at Indian Gymkhana; and cricket and rugby facilities at our old boys’ club, The Isleworthians.
£1 million has transformed the school kitchen and refurbished and expanded our dining facilities to create an extensive dining room and Sixth Form study area.
In addition, we have created new music and drama facilities to enhance an already outstanding area of the school. This work was completed in 2021.
We are committed to a continual improvement of the school estate; to energy conservation; and to preparing for future generations of learners.
Our next project will focus on enhancing outdoor social and dining spaces.