UPDATE 15/02: You can also download the full PE activities list as well, organised by day.
Original article: Following feedback from parents/carers and students, the school has today published a complete schedule of catch-up programmes, societies and clubs available to students. Going forward, these links will be updated half termly on the Extra-Curricular Activities page.
There are two documents available to view, depending on your personal preference – you can view the complete list organised either by day or by subject area. The lists give full detail as to the day, time, duration and location of each activity.
Please note that this data is accurate as of the start of the Spring Term 2016. The list is intended as a guideline to planned sessions, and the schedule is subject to change dependent on circumstances.
Tags: 2015-16, Extra-Curricular, Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9