Students at Isleworth & Syon School are celebrating another excellent year of Advanced Level results which yet again exceeded the national average. Year 13 students achieved an A-Level pass rate of 99.2%, with 54% of grades at A*-B. 85% of all examination grades were at a C and above. Similarly, this year’s AS-Level results showed a marked improvement on previous years, with a large number of students gaining a string of top grades.

There were some outstanding individual achievements amongst this year’s cohort, including two students heading to Oxbridge universities. Finn McQueen achieved two A*s (art, history) and one A (English Language & Literature), as well as an A in AS-Level biology; he will read English Language & Literature at Somerville College, Oxford. Meanwhile, Anietie Ekanem also gained outstanding results, with an A* in art & design and two As in history and English Language & Literature; he has been accepted to study History of Art at St Peter’s College, Oxford.

Along with Finn, three other students tied as the joint-top performers in Year 13. Each gained two A*s and an A at A-Level, as well as an A at AS-Level, apiece. Deputy Head Boy Calvin Kundi (biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics AS) will read Dentistry at Queen Mary, University of London, while Usman Shafeeq (mathematics, further mathematics, physics, and history AS) will study mathematics at Imperial College London. Moadh Tchoketch-Kebir (biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics AS) has been accepted to take Medicine at the University of East Anglia.

Our Head Boy, Josh Norris, gained excellent grades and will read mathematics at Bristol. Meanwhile, there were some outstanding performances in BTEC qualifications, with two of our BTEC National Diploma in Sport students receiving top grades: Colton North earned a Double Distinction * Distinction while Sena Davoh earned a Distinction * Double Distinction. Sena will now study a Sports Science degree.

Euan Ferguson, Headteacher, said: “No matter what their next step, be it into further education or an exploration of the world of work through an apprenticeship or another route, we are immensely proud of our students. We thank them for their hard work and commitment throughout their two years in the Sixth Form. These results demonstrates how well boys can achieve in an outstanding boys’ school.”


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