Welcome from the Co-Headteachers

Developing healthy study habits

An array of learning walks around the majority of classrooms this week have demonstrated how much of a common and strong language of learning we possess within our school. Students are eager to reveal our common language of learning in every lesson through structured discussion, questioning and answers phases as well as storytelling. We have a distinctly powerful whole school focus on literacy and, in particular, developing oracy (structured speaking) within the classroom. 

Outside the classroom, as part of our extensive enrichment programme, sixth former student leaders – fresh from supporting British Science Week – have been leading on charity football events for national as well as international charities. With this in mind, within school assemblies Pastoral Leaders have been leading on Comic Relief and, in particular, promoting our young men as local, national global citizens on issues such as resolving homelessness, poverty, drought and famine. Our mantra for this is: Hounslow hearts, global minds. 

As ever, this newsletter contains important information about our other traditions and values so please read the full newsletter. 

Simon Fisher and Jo Higginbottom

Sleep routines

We regularly have a focus on the importance of sleep as an essential requirement for people to effectively carry-out our daily activities. Sleep is a learned behaviour; it is hugely important for the protection of our wellbeing and mental health as well as self-esteem. Crucially, it also helps with learning and the formation of long-term memories which, of course, supports rapid academic progress. Given this, it remains disappointing that a small minority of students continue to not obtain enough high-quality sleep by getting to bed early enough. Frequent problems involve students charging their mobile phones inside bedrooms or, more simply, not having a “lights off” curfew. Failure to develop strong sleep routines can lead to problems focusing on tasks and thinking clearly. To support your son / ward please review our checklist – here – as well as NHS guidance.

Coming Up!

Dates for the diary

  • Tuesday 1 April – Year 11 Raising Standards Evening
  • Wednesday 2 April – Drama & Music Showcase
  • Friday 4 April – End of Spring Term (students dismissed at 12.30pm)
  • Tuesday 22 April – Curriculum Day (most students do not attend school)
  • Wednesday 23 April – Start of Summer Term
  • Thursday 1 May – Year 8 Parents/Carers Evening
  • Monday 5 May – May Day Bank Holiday
  • Tuesday 6 May – Monday Timetable
  • Friday 9 May – Public Examinations Start
  • Wednesday 21 May – National Numeracy Day
  • Monday 26 – Friday 30 May – Half-Term

You can access the entire calendar via this link.

Partnership working

NHS nursing service

Among a multitude of highly successful external working partnerships one of our most important links is with the NHS nursing service. Our designated NHS nurse is Chantal Revans; she works with, both, staff who require professional input in subject such as PSHE and science as well as young people who need guidance and support on a range of issues which include:

  • diet and nutrition
  • wellbeing and mental health
  • personal hygiene

One other key feature of her role is to target individuals and their respective families who have displayed weight loss and / or weight gain.

Comic Relief

Thanks to House Leaders, students have been involved in an array of activities to support local community groups and youth services as well as UK and international charities. Lunchtime events have been particularly popular, most notably: beat the goalie on the 3G astro-turf, a staff versus student quiz in the main hall and an energetic treasure hunt around the school. Thank you to all involved; these activities really support the personal development of our young people.

Sixth Form Student Leadership

Our student leadership programme provides a huge range of formal and informal opportunities for our Sixth Form students to develop and demonstrate their communication skills. Over the past few weeks our senior ambassadors and student leaders have contributed to and led on:

  • House assemblies in the lead-up to Comic Relief week
  • In-house charitable events
  • An inter-school Sixth Form quiz event between Sixth Form students from Brentford School for Girls and I&S
  • Formal presentations to the school Trustees about their experiences at school.

Focusing on the latter, it goes without saying that Trustees were truly amazed at the verbal contributions of Blake Lawrence, Hafidh Abdalla and Nishant Brahmbhatt. Listening to these mature young men, both, articulate their vastly positive experiences of the school and deal with an array of challenging on-the-spot questions from the Trustees was an absolute privilege; they a credit to themselves, their families and their teachers.

Hounslow’s Teen Read


The Carnegie Shadowing Group 2025 launched today.  Boys attending Friday’s Reading Club are keen to start reading the 8 books aimed at young people  which have been shortlisted for this award.  This year the books focus on key social issues, especially those affecting adolescents.  From now until June, when the winner is announced, we will be posting reviews, videos and photos on the Yoto Carnegie 2025  dashboard found on the School Library Website.

Safeguarding and personal development

Open and transparent conversations

It is essential to empower our boys with the knowledge and tools to protect themselves. As parents / carers, fostering open communication is the first step in building their confidence to avoid risky situations. Where are they going? Who are they meeting? What route are they travelling? Check their plans.   

Encourage your son / ward to trust their instincts; if a situation feels wrong, it’s okay to step away and seek help. Talking about hypothetical different scenarios can also prepare your son / ward to respond swiftly and wisely if they are confronted with threats.    

It is important to talk about the growing concern of knife crime directly. Teach your son / ward about the dangers of carrying knives, emphasising that possession of a weapon increases the risk of harm rather than offering protection. Encourage them to avoid confrontations and to seek help from trusted, appropriate adults or official authorities if they feel unsafe.    

Teach your son / ward the importance of staying aware of their surroundings, especially in unfamiliar settings. Avoid reducing awareness with ear pods or gazing at screens when traveling. Crucially, encourage them to stay connected with friends or trusted individuals when outdoors and to share their plans with you. Digital safety is just as critical; for example, remind them never to share personal information or meet strangers online. Overall, together, we can build a supportive environment that helps our students, your son / ward, stay safe and thrive.

Year 10 parent / carers evening

School – Parent / Carer partnership working

On Thursday 20th, year 10 parents/carers were invited in for Parents/Carers Evening, taking part in short meetings with teachers. Discussions were fruitful, looking at the progress made so far this year and how students can do even better in the rest of this year. There was also a work experience stand where students could find more information about how to organise their July placement. Thank you to all the parents/carers who attended!

Students had the chance to air their opinions and offer suggestions for how our whole-school reading drive can be enhanced, as well as anything else they wanted to get off their chest regarding school life.

School Council

On Monday, Head Student Blake Lawrence and his deputies, Hafidh Abdalla and Nishant Brahmbhatt, hosted our second Student Council of the school year. These amazing Sixth Form student leaders were ably supported by our four Senior House Ambassadors – Pasquale Vollaro (Adam), Jiya Mangat (Brunel), Shahjahan Akbar (Shackleton) and Arjun Ruprah (Turner).

Taking place in the Sixth Form dining area, House & Citizenship Ambassadors from each form group were invited to air their views on a variety of topics, including: teaching and learning, community engagement, local transport. These student leaders were also invited by The Pantry, our in-house catering service, to sample the new food menu and provide feedback; this consultation was very well received. As a result of this dynamic meeting, several proposals were put to a vote at the end of the Council; these agreed propositions will now be passed on to the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) for a formal response. Overall, the Sixth Form student leaders did a fantastic job at marshalling and driving the meeting forward; indeed, they skilfully steered conversations and expertly blended ideas together when compromise was required. Well done to these student leaders and, indeed, everyone who took part in this high-profile consultation meeting. Our school student voice is a powerful tool in whole school improvement. What next? Our Head student and his deputies will now meet with the Co-Headteachers next week in order to discuss how the actions resulting from the School Council can be taken forward.

All England Championships

30 regulars from the badminton club spent the day at the All England Championships – the oldest and most prestigious tournament in the world – in Birmingham on Wednesday. The opportunity to watch the world’s elite players is rare and the boys were inspired by the quality of play and the spectacle. Member of staff Prem George led the trip; you can see some of our students seeking autographs above, along with other pictures from the trip.

Pride of House

The latest award winners

Please do click a house badge below to celebrate our 40 Pride of House winners for the last seven days. The prize has been awarded by pastoral staff to reflect a fantastic contribution to school life – well done everyone!

House Point Champions

Brilliant performances this week

This week, two more students have reached prestige award – a massive 350 total house points! Additionally, 21 received their Diamond award today. These students are fantastic role models for their peers – congratulations to:

Prestige – 350 total

  • Jay BYREPALLI (8Am)
  • Sai NUSUMU (9Bl)

    Diamond – 250 total

    • Ihsan ALI (7Bl)
    • Archie BARKER (8Tr)
    • Soheil BERRIA (7Bl)
    • Kian CHOHAN (7Br)
    • Eddie COVILL (9Ad)
    • Lisander DA COSTA (7Tu)
    • Ryan EDWARDS (9Bl)
    • Ronnie GIBBS-JOHNSON (7Tr)
    • Ishan GUPTA (7Sh)
    • Zubair HUSSEIN (7Bl)
    • Arshnoor Singh JASSAL (8Br)
    • Adam KRAZEM (8Tu)
    • Vihaan KUMAR (7Am)
    • Saifullah LAKHANPAR (8Am)
    • Abyyan MALIK (7Bl)
    • Roy MERGULHAO (7Am)
    • Alexander MORAN (9Sn)
    • Charan MOTUPALLI (8Sn)
    • Abdur-Razzaq NADEEM (9Bl)
    • Miguel PONCHIO LAMENZA (8Sh)
    • Jai SANDHU (8Bl)

    Will your son/ward appear on this list next week? You can see his progress via INSIGHT.

    Note: this list is accurate as of 7.00am today (Friday). If your child reached a threshold after 7.00am on Friday, they will appear in the next list.

    Area Forum

    On Thursday March 20th two of our Sixth Form student leaders – Oliver Gilmore and Shahjahan Akbar – presented at a community networking event hosted by West Thames College. Chaired by local councillor Tony Louki, both Oliver and Shahjahan spoke confidently and concisely about the failings of the all too common national narrative surrounding young people. Specifically, they challenged common misconceptions about teenagers and their supposed widespread involvement in local crime, vandalism and other forms of anti-social behaviour. Suffice to say, both student leaders articulated their powerful views with precision as well as made proposed solid solutions. Local councillors and members of the audience were thrilled with their input. Such was the strength of the feedback that chairperson, Tony Louki, later noted how “I don’t recall such rounds of applause at our meetings”; he also requested more student input from other Isleworth schools at future Area Forum meetings

    Extra curricular activities

    Sixth form computing

    As part of the school’s careers and IT programme, we took some Sixth Form computing students to Slough to take part in an IT workshop with current and recently graduated apprentices as well as visiting a Data Centre.

    It was a fantastic all-day event, giving students access to information on IT apprenticeships, application guidance, what an assessment centre will look like, and different roles available within the industry. It truly was an excellent opportunity to see a key part of the country’s IT infrastructure and to meet and hear from professionals working in IT. Indeed, one student said afterwards, “I found this experience incredibly invaluable for my advancements into university this year.”