In the Autumn Term, we took part in Christmas Jumper Day, with students able to wear a festive jumper underneath their school blazer! It really helped spread the festive spirit in school—the fantastic effort pictured above give a small flavour! The event was to raise money for the Save the Children charity, and the vital work they do for children worldwide. Students raised a stunning £264.77 – well done, everyone.

This year’s Christmas Charity Drive focused on accumulating donations of non-perishable food items and toiletries to be sent to Ivybridge Link, a local food pantry. Families were encouraged to donate as much as they could manage, and we were overwhelmed with the response! Items were delivered by student ambassadors just before Christmas and the foodbank were blown away by the generosity.

Another leadership example took place at the end of March, courtesy of Year 12s taking the Level 3 Sports Leaders qualification. The small group planned, organised and delivered the annual Sixth Form charity tournament, raising money for Comic Relief (see below) along the way! There was a fantastic interest in the tournament, with several Sixth Form student teams plus a staff team as well. Congratulations to everyone involved!

During the Spring Term, we were fundraising for Comic Relief, to benefit children and young people both in the UK and abroad. Sixth Form student ambassadors were stationed in the hall with a bucket to capture cash donations, while parents/carers were able to donate via our JustGiving page.
We have also hosted several fun activities during lunchtimes. On Wednesday, we hosted a student vs staff quiz competition in the Hall (pictured right, top). Featuring student house champions and led by the Sixth Form Head Student team, it was a fierce battle that was narrowly won by the staff! On Thursday, the Sports Hall was the venue for a basketball shot competition—with students given a single minute to score as many points as possible. Finally, Friday saw an exciting treasure hunt for Key Stage 3 students (pictured right, bottom). The event raised a total of £293.50. These charity events are so important to teach our boys the importance of being mature, considerate and active citizens.

A big part of joining the school’s Sixth Form is being a superb role model for younger students, as well as taking on leadership opportunities. So we were delighted when a group of Sixth Form students organised, publicised and ran a special after-school bake sale in the Dining Rooms to raise money for Comic Relief. All Sixth Form students and staff could bring their own baked goods, which were then sold for £1 each—with all proceeds going to Comic Relief to benefit those who need it the most. The carrot cake in particular was a massive hit! It was a fantastic community effort from the students, who raised £62 in total. Brilliant!