From the Co-Headteachers
It has been another very busy week in school. Our daily learning walks have demonstrated how students are involved in lots of classroom discussions and debate leading to robust and well-structured written work. We are planning to share outstanding examples of such work on our social media platforms, so please endeavour to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
Within our outstanding Year group assemblies, a number of key focus points have included preparation for assessments using active revision strategies as well as the importance of rewards systems (colours and ties). In the Sixth Form, strong messaging has surrounded the importance of profile-building using our excellent UNIFROG careers programme as well as skill development using Cornell notetaking; these are all important employability skills.
Congratulations to our Year 11 GCSE drama students who did brilliantly in their assessment last night. Students and staff should be proud; read more details about this in the ‘News’ section below.
Please do read the full newsletter which also contains information about our values as well as forthcoming events such as our historical and memorable remembrance assemblies of which we are profoundly proud.
Simon Fisher and Jo Higginbottom
December Examinations Timetable
Before half-term, we emailed parents/carers and students in Years 11 and 13 with details of their timetables for the December examinations. You can find them on the school website.
We recommend that all students have started revising by this point- doing so ‘little and often’ will go a long way in terms of impacting their overall outcomes.
For Year 11, do check out the electronic version of the Year 11 Revision Guidance that was provided during PPD.

Outstanding Opportunities
Have you checked out our range of outstanding opportunities yet? Our programme is designed to cater for a range of interests and passions.
Please do check out our full range of opportunities if you haven’t managed to do so yet.
Ofsted have described our extra-curricular offer as “exemplary”. We believe that these additional opportunities and activities are essential in helping our boys to develop as individuals. They broaden their horizons, allow them to contribute fully to the school community, and make them more rounded and desirable to universities, colleges and to employers.
Remembrance Assemblies
As we build up to our annual Armistice Day remembrance services on Friday 11 November, we remind parents/carers of the sacrifices made by past I&S students in both WW1 and WW2.
In school, this is one of our favourite, most powerful days of year as we see our young men reflect meaningfully on stories from past students who gave their lives so that we could be free. These assemblies are profoundly poignant. Our boys present themselves with immense dignity and pride. This is the history and tradition that students and parents/carers buy into when you join our school.
As a reminder, boys attached to uniformed cadet services can attend school with their uniform and wear it during the assembly. Finally, student ambassadors will be selling poppies at break and lunch times next week.

Safeguarding – Fireworks (Be Safe, Not Sorry)
For personal safety, we encourage families to attend organised events. If you plan your own event, then we suggest you follow the guidelines below:
- Only adults should purchase, ignite and dispose of fireworks
- Plan your firework display with safety in mind to make it more enjoyable.
- Always use one firework at a time and keep all fireworks in a sealed damp-proof box.
- Read and follow all instructions via torchlight if required on each firework before using them.
- Light a single firework at a time with a taper at arm’s length
You can read this online guidance.
If you have a concern about the safety or welfare of your or another child, please email the safeguarding team at safeguarding@isleworthsyon.org. Should there be an emergency call 999 or, for non-urgent matters that require police attention, call 101.
Coming Up!
- Tuesday 8 November – Sixth Form Open Evening
- Friday 11 November – Remembrance Commemorations
- Thursday 17 November – Year 11 Parents/Carers Evening
- Thursday 24 November – Friday timetable
- Friday 25 November – INSET 3 (students do not attend school)
- Monday 28 November – PPA Day (students do not attend school)
- Friday 9 December – Year 7 Induction Assembly
Research suggests that communicating with parents/carers about literacy and reading can result in parents being more empowered to support and encourage their son/ward at home, which has also been proven to have an impact on reading skills.
On this note, reading helps to improve vocabulary, communication skills and makes us better writers. We all need these skills in life and in our workplace. Please consider talking to your son/ward about when you use these skills in your own life and work.
Word of the Week
The word of the week is analogy.


Sky Studios Trip
Just before half-term, a group of Sixth Form students were invited to the Sky Up Academy Studios for a fantastic afternoon. Located just down the road in Osterley, this was a brilliant after for students studying the vocational IT course. Students learned all about Sky’s facilities, and then were able to use their technology to create their own film trailer! Afterwards, they had a tour of the studios, seeing how Sky News and Sky Sports News are made.
The Sky staff were incredibly impressed with our students, so much so that they have reached out regarding potential work together in the future. More on this to follow soon!

GCSE Drama Performances
Last night (Thursday 3 November) was an important date for our Year 11 GCSE drama students, as they took to the stage for their final practical performance of Component 1. This unit saw students creating their own piece of live performance work, and students rose to the challenge. Performing in front of an audience of parents/carers and staff, as well as the examiner, we were so impressed with how the students did under the pressure.
We look forward to receiving their marks later in the term!

KS5 Celebration Breakfast
Fresh from the celebrations for KS3 and KS4 before half-term, Co-Heads Mr Fisher and Ms Higginbottom invited some of our top Sixth Form students to a celebratory breakfast on Monday. They were rewarded for outstanding Attitude to Learning across the half-term.
A key component of the breakfast was giving students the chance to voice their views, and the boys articulated well about their positive start to Year 12 as well as ways their experience could be even better.
Well done to the boys chosen: Ayman Ahmad (BCO), Bryn Horton (BCO), Owen Jacob (NSE), Ali Khan (NSE), Sam McMaster (MAS), Ahmed Mustafa (BCO), Arjun Notay (RCA), Joe Gilmour (MSK), Elliot Heath (CDO), William Jones (MSK), Maksymilian Potyrala (RCA), Jericho Sison (MSK) and Mihnea Ticana (RCA).

Senior Maths Challenge
On 4 October, 49 of our most able mathematicians in Years 11, 12 and 13 sat the Senior Maths Challenge, an annual country-wide completion run by the UK Mathematics Trust.
Results were fantastic, with just under a third achieving Bronze, 8 earning Silver, and 2 receiving the prestigious Gold award. These two students, Mikaeel Shah (Year 12) and Matthew Nunan (Year 13) have both qualified for further stages. Matthew will compete in the Andrew Jobbings Senior Kangaroo. Mikaeel achieved a perfect 100% score for the third year running, so will now take part in the British Mathematical Olympiad 1. We look forward to hearing how these two talented students do in the next round!