From the Headteacher
This is the penultimate newsletter of the term. I do hope that you have found ‘The Isleworthian’ to be an interesting and informative initiative since its first publication in January.
The week ahead seems likely to be dominated by the heatwave, with temperatures peaking on Monday and Tuesday. Please read the notice below about the modified arrangements in school and amendments to the uniform policy for the two days.
We will return to normal on Wednesday, as we celebrate the final morning of term. Students must be in school at the normal start time; they will be dismissed for the holidays at 12.30pm.
This week was have managed to maintain a series of additional activities – do read on – and well done to all the students involved in the various experiences. Their conduct throughout has been exemplary.
Stay cool next week!
Euan Ferguson

Our new initiative to provide pre-used items of school uniform or sports kit is now in place. We are now asking for you to make donations.
We will accept all items of school uniform (blazers, shirts, trousers, ties and jumpers) and sports kit (school games and house tops, school shorts and red football socks).
We will also accept school shoes, football boots and trainers which your son/ward may have outgrown, and revision books and any textbooks that may be worth passing on to another student.
Donations can be made by delivering to reception (even during the school holidays) or by asking your son/ward to deliver the items to the school office.
Please just make sure that the items:
- are in at least reasonable condition.
- have been washed.
- are bagged and with your name attached.

Reusable Water Bottles
We are keen to ensure that all students bring a reusable water bottle to school. We have previously produced some school bottles and would like to test whether or not parents/carers (or students) would make a purchase if we stocked them in the school shop. Please complete the quick survey, so that we can gauge interest. Thank you!
Due to projected temperatures for next Monday and Tuesday, we are making some changes at school so that education can continue in a safe manner.
We published a letter from Mr Ferguson yesterday – please do read carefully.
School Bus Feasibility
We have started work with the London Borough of Hounslow and other local schools, to explore whether or not there would be any value in having a dedicated school bus, to serve students who live at least 1.25 miles from the school.
The aims of a service would be to provide a sustainable alternative for journeys which are not well served by public transport routes, to reduce vehicle trips and to cut down on excessive parking near the school.
Watch out for a parent/carer survey which will be coming out soon to capture your views and to gauge interest in the School Bus scheme.
Safeguarding Updates
As we head into the final week of term and look forward to the summer break, we wish to remind you that your son/daughter/ward might need to be reminded about how to look after their own mental health during the holidays. This website contains a number of useful guides.
In addition, should there be any safeguarding issues that arise over the summer holiday, members of the school safeguarding team will be on duty throughout the summer.
Should there be an emergency call 999 or, for non-urgent matters that require police attention, call 101.

Day Trip to France
48 students across Years 7-9 took a very special trip this week – visiting the beautiful French coastal town of Boulogne for the day.
This was a fantastic way for students to practise their language skills “in real life” as well as learning more about French culture.
The day began with a very early start, meeting at school at 3.30am! However, there was no sleepiness in the air as students were excited to get the coach to Dover and then a ferry over to Calais. Once in France, another coach took them to Boulogne, where students visited a boulangerie (bakery) and made their own croissants! As you can see above, Phoenix Offiah (7Sh) certainly enjoyed his! Students also had free time around the old town and visited the local aquarium. It was a busy day but a successful one for these students, who were left with memories that will last a lifetime.

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
We are proud to be the only secondary school in the local area that runs all three levels of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award – Bronze, Silver and Gold.
This week, our Gold award students have taken their practice expedition to Ullswater in the Lake District. The group – made up of ten Year 12 students – have made a great start so far.
We do recommend following @IsleworthDofE on Twitter to check out their progress over the weekend.

Year 7 House Trips
Year 7 students had the opportunity to learn more about the origins of their house through a series of trips this week.
On Monday, 7Br and 7Bl visited the Brunel Museum in Rotherhithe to learn about Isambard Kingdom Brunel’s achievements. On Wednesday, 7Tu and 7Tr headed to Westminster to view the ‘Turner Collection’ at Tate Britain – the most extensive JMW Turner art collection. The following day, 7Sh and 7Sn took the tube to Greenwich to see the impressive Cutty Sark (pictured) and learn about explorer Ernest Shackleton at the National Maritime Museum. Finally, 7Ad and 7Am visited the V&A museum today to learn about the architectural style of Robert Adam – before seeing those designs in practice at Osterley House.
These trips brought students closer to their houses as they understand why the four figures have been so influential in British history.

Year 10 Work Experience
A key part of our careers programme is Work Experience for Year 10 students. The after-effects of Covid have meant that it has been more difficult than ever to find placements, but we are delighted that nearly half the year group have gone to a workplace for the last two weeks of term. Employers include Brentford FC, TFL, Metropolitan Police and Specsavers! This will be a fantastic opportunity for students to get hands-on experience in the world of work and develop transferable skills so valuable to employers.

Army Sessions
Another part of our careers programme is developing employability skills for all students. We have a dedicated Careers Leader, Mr Adams, whose job is to find opportunities and signpost them for students. This week, one such opportunity saw the British Army come into school for sessions with Key Stage 3 students.
Monday and Tuesday’s sessions with Years 7 and 8 were focused on soft skills, competencies and employability, with a day of activities. Through a variety of challenges, students practised working under pressure and how to work efficiently as a team unit. It was a fantastic session!
Then, on Wednesday Year 9 had a series of workshops focusing on the realities of fighting during World War I. After an assembly setting the context, students split into smaller groups and discussed weapons, tactics and trench warfare. All of this feeds into their in-class studies, which was very useful!

Top Golf Business Trips
When planning our opportunities for students, a key criterion is ensuring educational value – bringing students’ classroom studies to life in an engaging and exciting way. The business and economics department did that last Friday, as they visited Top Golf in Addlestone, Surrey. In class, Year 12 students have been exploring how business operations impact local stakeholders. This trip enabled students to learn and experience real-world context through a series of engaging activities. It was a brilliant learning experience for these students – and a lot of fun too!