17 August 2023, Isleworth –
While school education nationally is still struggling to ‘catch up’ after the pandemic, Isleworth & Syon School was proud of its Year 13 students as they achieved fantastic results. For many, these top grades are another stepping stone towards their dream career and aspirations. These young well-rounded adults have continued the strong tradition of outstanding achievement across a range of academic and vocational courses, as well as ensuring they have the ‘soft skills’ and additional attributes to succeed. Students accessed the wide variety of support offered by Isleworth & Syon’s personalised learning environment and duly excelled. These new alumni join an illustrious group of students who will enter many varied academic and creative fields in the future.
At A level, our top performer was Arjun Notay, scoring an outstanding three A*s and one A. This follows his clean sweep of A*s at GCSE two years ago; with a clear bright future ahead of him, he heads to Imperial College London to read aeronautical engineering. Joining him at university this September will be Alexander Pandey and Matthew Nunan, who are heading to Manchester and Sheffield respectively after earning two A*s and two As apiece. Alexander will use his computing A level to study computer science, while Matthew will build on his A level geography learning to continue with the subject. We wish them well. Deputy Head Student Bryn Horton took advantage of our outstanding science and maths A level provision to earn an A* and three As; he heads to UCL to read physics. Similarly, his physics classmate Arham Khalid achieved an A* in that subject plus two additional As – he will study a fascinating physics with nanotechnology course. Denzel Mansaray continues our long line of future biomedical undergraduates, achieving straight As on his way to study at UCL. We also support students who take a gap year to consider their next steps; one such example is Ahmed Mustafa, who achieved an A* and two As today and is considering a medical route.
Once again, the school’s vocational outcomes were extremely strong. In a competitive employment landscape, we are really pleased with the outstanding vocational computing results. Students will be equipped with skills that are needed for the modern workplace. Mohamad Rosstom achieved a computing double Distinction* as well as a Distinction in applied science; he is now pursuing an apprenticeship, looking to get some hands-on computing experience via a programming or software route. He is one of several Isleworthians encouraged towards apprenticeships this year. Zain Muhammad’s Double Distinction* and a Distinction will stand him in good stead to continue his computer science studies at Westminster, clearly inspired by our teaching. The business cohort also had a fantastic year; well done to Cristian Johnson Castro, who will take his Distinction* – plus a Distinction and another Distinction* – to Queen Mary University of London to read business management. We continue to fight for students to be able to experience vocational learning within our school Sixth Form and, where appropriate, mix this with more traditional A levels. Alexander Standing combined double vocational sport with A level film – he was delighted with his double Distinction* and B grades as he heads off to pursue football coaching and talent development undergraduate degree.
Co-Headteachers Simon Fisher and Jo Higginbottom commented, “Our students’ commitment, resilience, and work ethic has been remarkable. We would like to thank them for their hard work, as well as their parents/carers for their support. Whatever students have planned next, we are proud of their achievements and wish them well. We know many of our students are heading off to some of the best universities in the country – but we are also delighted that many will enter the world of work via apprenticeships or another route. They are inspiring and talented young people, and we are proud to have launched them into their next phase of young adulthood. They join some already illustrious alumni, and we look forward to keeping in touch and hearing of the undoubtedly amazing things they will achieve.”
Tags: 2022-23, A Level, Results, Vocational, Year 13