Since lockdown started in March and GCSE examinations were cancelled, Year 11 students at Isleworth & Syon School have been encouraged to look to the future and to be ready for their next step in life. The overwhelming majority of students kept working until the summer half-term to make sure that they were ready for the next stage of education or to prepare for an apprenticeship and the workplace. Tasks included completing GCSE activities and then the focus moved to a range of transition materials to aid progression. In addition, we provided a wide range of enrichment activities to broaden the students’ educational experience.
Headteacher Mr Ferguson commented, “It was pleasing to see how well our students remained engaged in learning even knowing that examinations had been cancelled. Their focus on the future has been most impressive. I also congratulate the staff for providing some truly inspirational materials for the students during the lockdown.”
This morning’s GCSE results have rightly rewarded students for their commitment to their studies throughout their time at school. Therefore these results will enable them to progress and follow their plans. Top performers continuing their studies in the Sixth Form include Tinashe Chituku and Jason Zingapan. They will take science subjects and pursue careers in chemical and aerospace engineering respectively. Tejas Bawa aims for a career in medicine after a string of top grades, whilst Ben Rawsthorne is already looking towards a degree in history or politics.
Mr Ferguson added, “Whilst I am sure our boys would have preferred to have the opportunity to sit examinations, the GCSE results awarded today are a genuine reflection of the effort and ability of each student. They should now look to the future with a great deal of confidence. The U-turn on the awarding of grades was the correct decision as this cohort of students need the assurance that they can move on and receive the grades that they deserved. The vast majority of them will continue their education with us in the Sixth Form and, importantly, they remain on track for their ultimate personal goals.”