16 August 2018, Isleworth –
It has been another fantastic year of level 3 results at Isleworth & Syon School, as two students earned places at Oxbridge universities as a result of their hard work and dedication. Miles Clark earned 2 A*s (mathematics and further mathematics) and 1 A (physics), while Gheorghe Rotaru also achieved 2 A*s (chemistry and mathematics) and 1 A (biology). Both head to Oxford to study engineering and biochemistry respectively. Both students made significance progress on their GCSE grades, demonstrating the strength of Sixth Form provision at school. These achievements are doubly impressive considering that the boys pursued their individual passions during the school year, with Miles continuing to swim at a national level and Gheorghe earning his grade 8 on the piano.
Across A level and BTEC, over one in three of our students achieving the top grades possible. Our A level results across the board once again exceed the national average, with 26% of grades at A*/A. Particular mention must be given to Harmeet Singh, who earned a staggering five A*s, which included three mathematics qualifications plus English literature and, finally, an extended project which scored 100%. He also scored top marks in 10 out of 12 mathematics and further mathematics modules. He has secured a place at Imperial College to study mathematics. We were delighted to see Omar Mahfoudi add to his 6 GCSE A*s, with straight As in biology, chemistry and history. He now heads to King’s College London to study medicine. Finally, the Kumar twins, Manahar and Mohan, each scored three A grades and will study law and accounting and finance respectively. We had successes across our varied subject offer, with our art students particularly notable for achieving 100% A*-B grades.
The school’s vocational provision (both BTEC Nationals and the new technical qualifications) continues to go from strength to strength – students who sat the new harder vocational courses gained over 83% of grades at Distinction* or Distinction. Although the new examination components are set to cause national results to drop significantly, this was not the case for our students. Across our current offer – business, ICT and sport – you can see sustained success, with sport in particular continuing a long tradition of excellent results. Matthew Grebot achieved three Distinction*s, and will go to study business management at Lincoln. Meanwhile, Tushar Uppal not only achieved a double Distinction* in sport but also earned an A in A level art – he will continue his education with sport and exercise science at Loughborough.
Headteacher Euan Ferguson said, “At a time when the demands on students are increasing, we are thrilled with these results. In addition to outstanding academic standards, our aim at school is to help our boys to develop into mature, considerate and confident young men, offering a strong focus on traditions to provide a framework for boys to excel. At Sixth Form level we give all our students, boys and girls, the platform to push themselves to great things, and it is clear that this group of students will be extremely successful in whatever comes next, be that a university education or the world of work via an apprenticeship or another route.”
Tags: 2017-18, A Level, BTEC, News, Oxbridge, Results, Vocational, Year 13