Students at Isleworth & Syon School are celebrating another excellent year of Advanced level results which yet again exceed the national average. Year 13 students achieved 28% of A level grades at A*/A, while those students who sat BTEC Nationals gained over 98% of grades at Distinction* or Distinction. There were notable successes across our varied range of subjects such as the separate sciences, art, business, English, history, performing arts and sport.
Some highlights include Head Boy Maxwell Omondi, who gained three A*s (mathematics, further mathematics and physics) and an A in geography. Maxwell goes on to read civil engineering at Imperial College London. Sophie Lucas earned one A* (art) an A (English literature) alongside a double Distinction* in performing arts. She will pursue her passion for drama by taking the subject at Bath Spa University. Harith Hawas achieved three A grades at A level (chemistry, mathematics, physics) plus an A in the extended project. He will read law at the University of Bristol.
We were delighted that Deputy Head Girl Cara Doyle received an unconditional offer of a music scholarship from Guildhall School of Music and Drama which begins in September. Guildhall is one of the most prestigious music colleges in the world, and Cara will study under some of the most decorated and talented musicians around. Cara is herself an exceptional clarinet player, and has applied for this year’s BBC Young Musician of the Year award.
Our BTEC provision goes from strength to strength, with 60% of students earning the top mark, Distinction*, across all subjects offered: business, ICT, performing arts and sport. Six of our BTEC Extended Diploma in Sport students received triple Distinction*s, which continues a long tradition of excellent results in this subject area. Jamie Tilt achieved this grade alongside a full A level in English language and literature; he will study sport & exercise science at Loughborough, the number 1 university for sport in the world. Meanwhile, Finlay Fox not only achieved a double Distinction* in performing arts but also earned an A in A level media. He will study film at Bath Spa University.
After another excellent year, Headteacher Euan Ferguson said: “In a challenging time, we are delighted with these results. We are proud of each and every one of our students, whether their next step involves further education at university, or the world of work via an apprenticeship or another route. During their time at Isleworth & Syon, these students have consistently demonstrated outstanding tenacity and exemplary commitment to always be the best that they can be. We wish our students well for the future. The results continue to show that Isleworth & Syon School is the best choice for local boys.”
Tags: 2016-17, A Level, BTEC, News, Results, Vocational, Year 13