This year, we have taken part in the Brilliant Club programme, offering our Gifted & Talented students the opportunity to develop their skills. The scheme entails a PhD tutor coming into school over the course of a six-week period and delivering tutorials to small groups of students. The end result is the online submission of an essay at the end of term.
Each group works a key stage above where they are currently working; our Year 7 and 8 students, therefore, have been writing essays at Key Stage 4 level! This challenges the students to better themselves, as well as offering valuable practice for future essay-writing. Our KS3 cohort was split into two halves – half studied biology, and the other, history. The biology half have been focusing on the question ‘Is ebola the next pandemic?’, while the history students have been discussing turning points in history. Both of the PhD tutors were immensely impressed with the work ethic on display from the students involved.
We are pleased to report that all students submitted their project on time; their results will be revealed during the Spring Term, and students will then have a graduation ceremony at a top UK university.
Tags: 2015-16, Brilliant Club, G&T, Year 7, Year 8