One of the school’s pastoral priorities for this academic year is a commitment to ensuring that our students are thoughtful, active and caring citizens. With this in mind, the school has today launched a charity campaign to raise money for the Save the Children organisation. The charity aims to tackle child poverty to give families a fair chance at life. Across the world, more than 8 million children died last year, most from preventable conditions and diseases. In the UK, 1.6 million children are living in severe poverty. Being born into a poor family dramatically reduces a child’s chances of a bright future.

Each form group at school has been given a thermometer to track the amount of money that they can raise between now and the end of this term. Depending on how much money is raised, a number of gifts will be delivered to those who really need them; for example, each £5 raised will mean either a football or an art set will be delivered to children in need. The full list of possible gifts are listed below:

Donation Gift
£5 Art Set or Football
£10 Toys or Shoes
15 Emergency food or birth kit for midwife
£20 ‘No Child Born to Die’ Survival Kit
£30 Water filter
£36 Two goats
£47 Health workers first aid kit
£51 Healthy Baby Hamper
£95 Midwife hamper
£190 A donkey

Anything that you can give is greatly appreciated. Help us to make a difference.


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