Around 130 parents/carers and family members joined Year 7 students and their tutors for a celebration assembly to mark the end of the induction process from primary school on Friday 13 December 2013. We also welcomed Mr Murrell and Ms Theti (Headteacher and Year 6 teacher from Marlborough School respectively), along with our Chair and Vice-Chair of Governors, Mrs Smith and Mr Glancy. Mrs Sheedy, the Headteacher of Isleworth Town Primary School, was also in the audience.

Students from each tutor group gave accounts of their first few weeks at Isleworth & Syon. Honest accounts of the nerves of starting a new school soon gave way to funny tales from the PGL venture earlier in the term, stories of new friendships, and clear messages of how the support of form tutors has made settling in so easy.

The Year 7 singers provided two musical highlights with a song in French and one in Spanish, the result of collaboration between the music and modern foreign languages (French and Spanish) departments. Each student then received a certificate and a Bronze, Silver or Gold medal to mark the end of the induction process, before there was a photo montage of term one at Isleworth & Syon. Special awards were then handed out to the boys who had made their mark early in their secondary school careers. Well done to them!

Thanks are due to Mr Dargan for his organisation of the event, to Ms Simms for compering so well and to our guests. Thanks too to the many parents/carers for supporting the event.


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